Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Regional Members Sustaining Members 
One new Regional Member was admitted by postal ballot Five Sustaining Members were deleted, while 20 new Sus- 
of Ordinary Members in June 1999: CILSS/Centre taining Members have joined ISPRS since the Vienna Con- 
Regional AGRHYMET in Niger. The number of Regional gress, bringing the total Sustaining Membership to 49, as 
Members is now 8. 
Table 2 New Sustaining Members 
shown in Table 2. Six of these are academic institutions. 
Publications prepared on behalf of ISPRS are listed in Table 3. 
Members Name Country Date of joining 
- Applanix Canada October 1998 Table 3 
- Core Software USA July 1997 Publication/Document Date Published 
Technology - ISPRS Organizations and January 1996 
- DIIAR - Sezione Italy October 1998 Programs 1996-2000 
Rilevamento, (Silver Book) 
Politecnico di - ISPRS Brochure January 1996 
Milano - ISPRS Members List 1997 January 1997 
- ERIM USA June 1997 (Blue Book) 
International - ISPRS Members List 1998 March 1998 
Conferences (Blue Book) 
- ESRI USA August 1998 - ISPRS Members List 1999 March 1999 
- ETH Zurich, Switzerland October 1998 (Blue Book) 
Chair of Photo- - ISPRS Members List 2000 March 2000 
grammetry & (Blue Book) 
Remote Sensing - ISPRS Highlights Vol. 1 - October 1996 
- Getty Conservation USA July 1997 - ISPRS Highlights Vol. 2 - January, April, July, 
Institute October 1997 
- Institute for Photo- Germany October 1998 - ISPRS Highlights Vol. 3 - January, April, 
grammetry September, 
University of December 1998 
Stuttgart - |SPRS Highlights Vol. 4 — March, June, 
- International Center USA January 1999 September, 
for Remote Sensing December 1999 
of Environment - ISPRS Highlights Vol. 5 — March, June 2000 
(ICRSE) - ISPRS Journal Volumes bi-monthly from 1996- 
- ITC The April 2000 51 10.55 2000 
eo- Netherlands - International Archives of Periodically 
- LH Systems LLC USA December 1997 Photogrammetry and 
phy - Open GIS USA September 1996 Remote Sensing 
- RACURS Russia June 1998 - Manual of Operation of December 1999 
0S- - Remote Sensing Vietnam June 1999 May 1997 and 
Centre of General ISPRS Technical 
ote Department of Commissions and Working 
Land Administration Groups Council Meetings 
aire (GDLA) of Vietnam (Orange Book) 
of e Sensor Systems, Inc. USA January 2000 - ISPRS Guidelines Periodically 
e Stora Enso Forest Finland August 1999 - |ISPRS Home Page - Continuously 
Consulting Oy Ltd ISPRS.org updated 
n 3 e StorageTek USA May 1998 
sci- e Survey & UK February 1997 ISPRS Highlights, the quarterly bulletin, was a new venture 
Development for ISPRS in the period 1996-2000. It commenced in Octo- 
Services Ltd ber 1996 with the post-Congress edition, with Professor 
Department of UK October 1998 Mauricio Araya from Chile contracted to edit and publish 
iate Geomatic ISPRS Highlights for the first two years. In 1998, a new 2- 
m- Engineering, UCL year contract to publish ISPRS Highlights was negotiated 
ate e School of Geomatic Australia October 1998 and signed with GITC bv in The Netherlands. The publica- 
lary Engineering, UNSW tion of ISPRS Highlights was initially supported financially 
os- by ISPRS, but since mid-1999 its publication has been sup- 
97), The following Sustaining Members have new names: ported by advertisement revenue. A contract for the next 
nu- Aerofilms Limited (UK) four year period is currently being negotiated. ISPRS High- 
ion Leica GeoSystems AG (Switzerland) lights is intended to include information about ISPRS activ- 
ces TopEye AB (Sweden) ities, such as reports and announcements of ISPRS-spon- 
- of Z/| Imaging Corporation (USA and Germany) sored meetings, Minutes of meetings of Council and Joint 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. — 
Meetings of Council and Technical Commission Presidents, 

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