Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

news from Technical Commissions, keynote addresses at 
ISPRS and related meetings, news of significant technical 
developments, book reviews, reports of international 
organisations with which ISPRS is collaborating and the 
ISPRS Annual Report. The Annual Report is published in 
the March issue each year and is a significant contribution 
to providing members with information about the current 
developments in the sciences and technologies of interest 
to ISPRS. A regular feature in ISPRS Highlights is the Cal- 
endar of events, which is also displayed on the Home Page, 
giving a list of conferences and meetings in the areas of 
interest of ISPRS. Approximately 316 such conferences 
were included in the Calendar over the four years, of which 
32 were approved by Council for sponsorship or co-spon- 
sored by ISPRS. A special vote of thanks goes to the Pres- 
ident Lawrence Fritz for maintaining the Calendar of events. 
In order to improve the distribution of ISPRS Highlights, 
Members have been asked to provide addresses of indi- 
viduals who should receive copies of ISPRS Highlights 
directly from the Publisher. These addresses are currently 
being received and will be forwarded to the publisher for 
compilation of the address database. A separate report 
will be given by the Editor-in-Chief of ISPRS Highlights, Dr 
Lucas Janssen. 
The ISPRS Journal has been published by Elsevier Sci- 
ence on a bi-monthly basis, under the contract that was 
signed in late 1996 with Editor-in-Chief Mr David Tait. Dr 
Emmanuel Baltsavias assumed the position of Editor-in- 
Chief in mid-1997. A new contract with Elsevier Science 
has recently been signed, that provides ISPRS with an 
improved quality Journal. An important development with 
the Journal has been the introduction of the Heleva Award 
for the best paper over the four year period, the first of 
which has been awarded at this Congress. A separate 
report will be given on the Journal by Dr Baltsavias. 
Table 4 
Additions to International Archives of Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing since 1996 
1997 Comm VI Workshop XXXII-6W1 
Padua, Italy RICS Books 
# Comm III/IV Workshop XXXII-3-4W2 
Stuttgart, Germany RICS Books 
“ Comm II/IlI Workshop XXXII-2-3W3 
Haifa, Israel RICS Books 
i CIPA Conference XXXII-5C1B 
Góteborg Sweden RICS Books 
s Comm VI Workshop XXXII-6W4 
Bahia Blanca, Argentina RICS Books 
1998 Comm | Symposium XXXII-1 
Bangalore, India RICS Books 
M Comm Il Symposium XXXII-2 
Cambridge, UK RICS Books 
% Comm lll Symposium XXXII-3 
Columbus, USA RICS Books 
« Comm IV Symposium XXXII-4 
Stuttgart, Germany RICS Books 
« Comm V Symposium XXXII-5 
Hakodate, Japan RICS Books 
« Comm VII Symposium XXXII-4 
Budapest, Hungary RICS Books 
M WG VII/2 Tutorial XXXII-7T1 
Dehra Dun, India RICS Books 
1999 Comm VI Symposium XXXII-6 
Bandung, Indonesia RICS Books 
« WG IIl/ 2 & 3 Workshop XXXII-3-2W5 
Munich, Germany RICS Books 
et al Valladolid, Spain RICS Books 
% WG VII/2 Workshop XXXII-7/W9 
Dehra Dun, India RICS Books 
" WGi Il/1 et al, XXXII-2-5-3/W10 
Bangkok, Thailand RICS Books 
w WG V/2&5 XXXII-5/W1 1 
Thessaloniki, Greece RICS Books 
Le WG IV/4 et al, XXXII-A4/W12 
Beijing, China RICS Books 
N UNISPACE lll Conference — XXXII-7C2 
Vienna, Austria RICS Books 
% WG V/8, V/4, ICWG V/III, XXXII-5/W12 
SIG Workshop, RICS Books 
Onuma, Japan 
« WGVI/3 Workshop, XXXII-6W7 
Cotonou, Benin RICS Books 
1999 WG 111/2,5 Workshop, XXXII-3/W14 
La Jolla, CA, USA RICS Books 
2000 WGVI/3 Workshop, XXXII-6W8/1 8/2 
Ljubljana, Slovenia RICS Books 
The International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing comprises published papers presented at ISPRS 
Congresses, Symposia and, more recently, other ISPRS- 
sponsored events. A new contract was signed in 1996 
between ISPRS and RICS Books in the UK for the post-con- 
ference sale of Archives volumes. This arrangement has 
proved to be working well. Included in the guidelines in the 
Orange Book is the requirement that, in future, the proceeds 
from the post-conference sales of Archives volumes will be 
paid to ISPRS. The ITC in The Netherlands is also a reposi- 
tory for the Archives. The number of new Volumes of the 
Archives over the period 1996-2000 is 24, as listed in Table 
4. Recently, Council approved revisions to the Guidelines for 
publication: Guidelines for Publication and Review of The 
International Archives of Photogrammetry & Remote Sens- 
ing, that aim at raising the quality of volumes in the Archives. 
Manual of Operation of ISPRS Technical Commissions and 
Working Groups Council Meetings (Orange Book) is a new 
publication which provides Technical Commission Presi- 
dents and Working Group Chairs and Co-Chairs with full 
details of the operation of ISPRS Technical Commissions. 
It includes expanded details of the Guidelines for Techni- 
cal Commission Presidents and Working Group Chairs and 
Co-Chairs, as well as many of the Guidelines affecting the 
operation of the Technical Commissions, such as organi- 
sation of Symposia, publication of the Archives, Web 
Pages, etc. All ISPRS Guidelines have been reviewed and 
revised where required. The full list of ISPRS Guidelines is 
given in Table 5. 
Table 5 ISPRS Guidelines 
Guidelines for Hosting a Technical Commission 
Guidelines for Planning ISPRS Symposia 
Guidelines for Conducting a Working Group 
Guidelines for Proposing ISPRS Resolutions 
— International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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