Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

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it not been for the support of the organisations and univer- 
sities with whom Council members are affiliated. INPE fully 
funded the travel cost of the Second Vice President, Mar- 
cio Barbosa, while partial support was provided for all 
other Council members by their respective employers. 
Travel costs of the Congress Director, Klaas Jan Beek, 
were fully funded through the Conference Organising 
Committee as required by the ISPRS statutes and bylaws. 
As mentioned under the Income section above, a signifi- 
cant reduction of expenses for Council activities resulted 
from the excellent support received from ISPRS Member 
Societies and Council Member employers, who provided 
accommodation for Council during Council meetings in 
Oigami (Japanese Society) in 1996, Seattle (American 
Society) and Rio de Janeiro/Natal (INPE) in 1997, Banga- 
lore (Indian Society), Washington (Lockheed Martin) and 
Stuttgart (German Society) in 1998, Bangkok (Japanese 
Society) and Enschede/Delft (Netherlands Society) in 1999 
and Budapest (Hungarian Society) in 2000. The Council 
wishes to express its appreciation of the outstanding hos- 
pitality and generosity extended at these occasions. 
It is impossible to quantify the amount saved through the 
indirect financial assistance described above, but this 
amount is clearly above SFr 100,000. 
The Treasurer’s activities have increased significantly dur- 
ing the report period. The changes in investment and cur- 
rent accounts make it necessary for the treasurer to 
administer three UBS accounts, one UN sub account, four 
individual Council member sub accounts and four invest- 
ment accounts. These accounts are held in five different 
currencies. Due to a considerable broadening of ISPRS 
activities, the responsibilities of all other Council members 
have increased similarly. It can be estimated that an aver- 
age of one to three days a week, not counting Council 
meetings and attendance at symposia and the congress, 
is spent by some Council members on ISPRS activities. 
This is becoming problematic and steps are needed to 
provide assistance to Council. 
The Society is financially in an good state of health with 
increased memberships in all categories, diverse low risk 
investments and excellent support from its members. 
Cape Town 1 July 2000 
Report of the Financial Commission 1996-2000 
by Armin Grün 
1. Membership of Financial Commission 
The Members of the Financial Commission (FC), as 
appointed by the General Assembly (GA) at Vienna 1996 
- Armin Grün (Chairman) 
- Anders Boberg 
- Ivan Katzarsky 
2. Role of the Financial Commission 
According to ISPRS Statutes the role of the FC shall be 
advisory and consultative. 
It shall examine expenditure of all kinds incurred by the 
Society and suggest to the General Assembly broad lines 
of financial policy for the Society having regard to its sci- 
entific responsibilities. 
3. Additional Activities 
On request of Council the FC contributed to the 
- Guidelines for Council Spending Policy 
- Guidelines for Financial Commission 
The FC was informed about the 
- Definition of Task of Financial Advisor to ISPRS Coun- 
cil 2000-2004 and the related draft contract 
and approved the Report of the 
- ISPRS-funded project "Development of an Image 
Transfer Standard (ITS)" 
4. Meetings of the Financial Commission 
Meetings took place in Stuttgart 1997 and in Amsterdam 
With the availability of modern communication devices it 
was felt that physical meetings of the FC are becoming 
more and more redundant, also considering the cost factor 
involved. E-mail provides an excellent tool for negotiations 
and exchange of information. When appointing new FC 
members for the next period of office the GA should make 
sure that direct e-mail access is available to each member. 
5. Approval of Budget and Accounts 
The fiscal year of the Society begins on 1st April. Financial 
management relies on a projected annual budget which is 
endorsed by the FC. The annual statement of accounts is 
audited by the FC prior to acceptance by Council. 
Starting with the Fiscal Year 1997 the format of the yearly 
reports of the Treasurer has been modified, also consider- 
ing the input of a professional accountant. As a result, the 
Treasurer’s Report is now more streamlined and much eas- 
ier to read. 
The Statements of Receipts and Payments and the Bal- 
ance Sheet for the period from 1st April, 1996 to 31st 
March, 2000 was audited by the FC prior to its presenta- 
tion to the GA by the Treasurer. 
6. Receipts/Payments and Income/Expenses 
According to the Treasurer's Report the nominal Member- 
ship fees have risen from SFr 91,840 in 1996 to SFr 
119,550 in 1999 (an increase of 30%). 
The actual Arrears in Membership fees have developed 
from SFr 50,971 in 1996 to SFr 81,325 in 1999 (an increase 
of 60%, not even considering the SFr 4050, written off as 
bad depts in 1998). This has been a permanent point of 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. A lam 2000. 

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