Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Final Session Programme 
Session: High resolution sensor data 
Room: Room A 
Date: 17th July 
Time: 14:00 - 15:30 
Chair: Moriyama, Takashi, Japan 
Characteristics of space imaging's one-meter resolution 
satellite imagery products 
*Gerlach, F. 
Preparations for the On-Orbit Geometric Calibration of the 
OrbView 3 and 4 Satellites 
*Mulawa, David 
Straight Lines in Linear Array Scanner Imagery 
*Habib, Ayman; Kelley, Devin; Asmamaw, Andinet 
Rigorous Photogrammetric Processing of High Resolution 
Satellite Imagery 
*Stallmann, Dirk; Fritsch, Dieter 
Design principles of the LH Systems ADS40 airborne dig- 
ital sensor 
*Sandau, Rainer; Braunecker, Bernhard; Driescher, Hans; 
Eckardt, Andreas; Hilbert, Stefan, Hutton, Joe; Kirchhofer, 
Werner; Lithopoulos, Erik; Reulke, Ralf; Wicki, Stefan 
Key Technology Development for the Advanced Land 
Observing Satellite (ALOS) 
*Hamazaki, Takashi; Osawa, Yuji 
TC IV-02 
Session: Extra terrestrial mapping 
Room: Room B 
Date: 17th July 
Time: 14:00 - 15:30 
Chair: Muller, Jan-Peter, United Kingdom 
Recent planetary topographic mapping at the USGS, 
Flagstaff: Moon, Mars, Venus, and beyond 
TC IV-02-01 
*Kirk, R.L.; Howington-Krous, E.; Rosiek, M. 
Automated MOLA track registration in MOC and Viking 
Images and it's application for the establishment of new 3- 
D control points on Mars 
TC IV-02-02 
*Kim, Jung Rack; Muller, Jan-Peter; Morley, Jeremy 
Controlled topographic image mosaics from combination of 
Viking orbiter images and Mars orbiter laser altimeter data 
TC IV-02-03 
*Hauber, Ernst; Oberst, J.; Zeitler, W.; Kuschel, M.; Wah- 
lisch, M.; Jaumann, R. 
Photogrammetric Point Determination Using Digital 
Galileo SSI Images from Asteroid Ida 
TC IV-02-04 
*Zeitler, Wolfgang; Ohlhof, Timm; Ebner, Heinrich 
Large Scale Mars Mapping and Rover Localization Using 
Descent and Rover Imagery 
TC IV-02-05 
*Li, Rongxing; Ma, Fei; Xu, Fengliang; Matthies, Larry; 
Olson, Clark; Xiong, Yalin 
TC V-01 
Session: Vision metrology and VR/VE generation 
Room: Room L 
Date: 17th July 
Time: 14:00 - 15:30 
Chair: Chikatsu, Hirofumi, Japan 
A Practical Approach to Creating Precise and Detailed 3D 
Models from Single and Multiple Views 
TC V-01-01 
*El-Hakim, Sabry 
Photogrammetry and CAD/CAM in culture and industry - 
an ever changing paradigm 
TC V-01-02 
*Patias, P.; Peipe, J. 
Semi-Automated Edge Segment Specification for an Inter- 
active Modelling System of Robot Environments 
TC V-01-03 
*Even, Philippe; Malavaud, Anne 
An object space technique independent of lens distortion 
for forensic videogrammetry 
TC V-01-04 
*Fryer, J.G. 
Quantitative measurement of teamwork in ball games 
using dominant region 
TC V-01-05 
*Taki, T.; Hasegawa, J. 
TC VI-01 
Session: International co-operation and technology transfer 
Room: Room C/D 
Date: 17th July 
Time: 14:00 - 15:30 
Chair: Mussio, Luigo, Italy 
Remarks on networking and technology transfer in Africa 
TC VI-01-01 
*Bujakiewicz, Aleksandra 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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