Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

TC 111-05b 
Session: Laser altimetry 
Room: Forum room 
Date: 18th July 
Time: 10:30 - 12:00 
Chair: Csatho, Beata, United States 
Least-Squares Matching with Airborne Laserscanning 
Data in a TIN Structure 
TC III-05b-01 
*Maas, Hans-Gerd 
Adjustment of Laser Scanner Data for Correction of Orien- 
tation Errors 
TC 111-05b-02 
*Burman, Helén 
Automatic breakline detection from airborne laser range data 
TC Ill-05b-03 
*Brügelmann, Regine 
Estimation of planimetric accuracy of laser scanning data. 
Proposal of a method exploiting ramps 
TC Ill-05b-04 
*Casella, Vittorio; Spalla, Anna 
On the adjustment of overlapping strips of laser altimeter 
height data 
TC III-05b-05 
De Min, Erik; Bruegelmann, Regine; *Crombaghs, Marc 
TC IV-06 
Session: Mapping potential of high resolution images 
Room: Room A 
Date: 18th July 
Time: 10:30 - 12:00 
Chair: Konecny, Gottfried, Germany 
The "Topographic Image Map Fossa di Vulcano 1:5,000" - 
A Digital Mapping Approach based on "High Resolution 
Stereo Camera - Airborne Imagery" 
TC IV-06-01 
Gwinner, Klaus; Lehmann, Hartmut; *Albertz, Jorg 
Applications of Very High Resolution Digital Airborne 
Scanner Data 
TC IV-06-02 
*Moeller, Matthias 
Generation and Update of VMap Data Using Satellite and 
Airborne Imagery 
TC IV-06-03 
*Ohlhof, Timm; Emge, Thomas; Reinhardt, Wolfgang; 
Leukert, Kristin; Heipke, Christian; Pakzad, Kian 
The extraction of GIS features from high resolution 
imagery using advanced methods based on additional 
contextual information - first experiences 
TC IV-06-04 
*Hofmann, Peter; Reinhardt, Wolfgang 
Differential approach for map revision from new multi-res- 
olution satellite imagery and existing topographic data 
TC IV-06-05 
*Armenakis, Costas 
Session: Availability of spatial data. Status and policies 
Room: Room L 
Date: 18th July 
Time: 10:30 - 12:00 
Convenor: Fritz, Lawrence W., United States 
Panel discussion with the following speakers: 
e Dr. Ferris Webster, ICSU Chairman of World Data Cen- 
tres (WDC), ICSU/CODATA Chairman, Group on Data 
and Information 
e Herbert Satterlee Ill, President of CEO, EarthWatch, Inc. 
e Gérard Brachet, Director of Centre National d'Etudes 
Spatiales (CNES) 
* Aki. A. Yamaura, General Manager, Mitsubishi Corporation 
e Prof. U. R. Rao, Member, Space Commission of India 
e Dr. Bas Kok, Director of Netherlands Council for Geo- 
graphic Information (RAVI) 
TP 111-01 
Session: Building reconstruction and low level processing 
Room: Room A 
Date: 18th July 
Time: 13:30 - 16:00 
Chair: Mayer, Helmut, Germany 
The human factors influence on process of pattern recog- 
nition (theory question) 
TP 1II-01-01 
*Prisniakov, V.; Prisniakova, L. 
Integrated approach-based Automatic Building Extraction 
TP III-01-02 
*Zhao, Bofang; Trinder, John 
A linear conflation approach for the integration of pho- 
togrammetric information and GIS data 
TP 11-01-03 
*Filin, Sagi; Doytsher, Yerahmiel 
A new Approach to Edge-preserving Smoothing for Edge 
Extraction and Image Segmentation 
TP 11-01-04 
*Garnica, Carsten; Boochs, Frank; Twardochlib, Marek 
Interactive Roof Patch Reconstruction Based on 3-D Lin- 
ear Segments 
TP 11-01-05 
*Chio, Shih-Hong; Wang, Shue-Chia; Wrobel, Bernhard 
Model independant object extraction from digital surface 
TP 111-01-06 
*Gamba, Paolo; Casella, Vittorio 
— International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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