Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Welcome by ISPRS President 
ds. On behalf of the International Society for Photogrammetry through its multi-national General Assembly, formulates 
irit and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), it is my pleasure to welcome Resolutions to guide future activities. 
he On 4 July, ISPRS celebrated its 90th anniver- 
Js’ sary. Its mission, membership and activities 
a- have expanded significantly since its founding 
ey in 1910. ISPRS encompasses GIS, Remote 
IC- Sensing, Photogrammetry and related Vision 
ng Sciences. The ISPRS mission is: "... devoted to 
international co-operation for the advancement 
th of knowledge, research, development and edu- 
ed cation in photogrammetry, remote sensing, the 
he spatial information sciences, their integration 
50 and applications to support the well-being of 
is- humanity and the sustainability of the environ- 
At Officially, ISPRS is composed of member 
of organisations representing 102 nations, 8 
L regional associations and 50 sustaining mem- 
ch ber companies and institutes. Its S&T activities 
m- are conducted by 7 Commissions and their 45 
to Working Groups and cover all aspects of image 
Id, data collection, processing, analysis and appli- 
ol cation. 
of Enjoy the XIXth ISPRS Congress and join us in 
on celebrating the 90th Anniversary of ISPRS and, 
very importantly showcasing our S&T achieve- 
m ments for the benefit of all. The setting in Am- 
a- sterdam offers many social opportunities for 
li- Congress participants to relax and enjoy. In 
ity 1996, the ISPRS General Assembly elected 
Or ‘The Netherlands Society for Earth Observation 
and Geo-Informatics' as Congress host. We 
appreciate the excellent activities being organ- 
ised for us and we applaud their choice of con- 
you to the XIXth ISPRS Congress which convenes in Am- venient location, enhanced S&T programme, and warm 
sterdam, The Netherlands during 16-23 July 2000. hospitality. 
The XIXth ISPRS Congress is a milestone event. It pres- 
ents a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the science . e 
and technology; demonstrates advancements in image 
acquisition, processing, analysis and applications; exhibits 
developments and products; fosters international network- 
ing between data providers and information producers; pro- Lawrence W. Fritz 
vides a forum for international policy discussions and,  ISPRS President 
0. International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. — - - - 9 

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