Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

, Inc. 
) Lin- 
n 2000. 
Automatic extraction of objects and their integration into 
an information system 
TP 1111-01-07 
*Celikoyan, Timur Murat; Altan, M. Orhan 
Extraction of man-made buildings in multispectral stereo- 
scopic images 
TP 1II-01-08 
*Chen, Liang-Chien; Hsu, W.C. 
Construction of Urban Scene Model by Image Sequence 
Analysis Using Digital Map 
TP IlI-01-09 
*Uehara, Masafumi; Shiosaki, Takeshi; Zen, Heitou 
Introduction of 3D information in urban GIS: a conceptual view 
TP IlI-01-10 
*Billen, Roland 
Urban 3-D models for planning of mobile telephony systems 
TP 1II-01-11 
"Villa, Benedetto; Coppola, Francesco; Lo Brutto, Mauro; 
Midulla, Patrizia 
Automated update of buildings in digital maps 
TP 11-01-12 
*Niederóst, Markus 
3D-object detection method based on the stereo image 
transformation to the common observation point 
TP Ill-01-14 
*Lisitsyn, V.M.; Tikhonova, S.V. 
Three dimensional reconstruction and visualization of reg- 
ular houses and their texture from image pair 
TP Ill-01-15 
*Zhang, Zuxun; Zhang, Jianging; Zhu, Yinghao; Zhang, Yu 
Semi-automatic building extraction based on least sqares 
matching with geometrical constraints in object space 
TP IlI-01-16 
*Zhang, Zuxun; Zhang, Jianging; Xie, Lingseng 
Toward Automatic updating of the Israeli national GIS- PAHE 3 
TP IIl-01-17 
*Peled, Ammatzia; Haj-Yehia, Basheer 
Automatic Building Recognition From Digital Aerial Images 
TP IlI-01-18 
*Saadat Seresht, Mohammad 
The Decision of the Optimal Parameters in Markov Ran- 
dom Fields of Images by Genetic Algorithm 
TP III-01-19 
*Zheng, Zaobao; Zheng, Hong 
TP IV-01 
Session: 3D GIS and DEM generation 
Room: Room B 
Date: 18th July 
Time: 13:30 - 16:00 
Chair: Fritsch, Dieter, Germany 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 
Russian concept of digital processing of satellite images 
TP IV-01-01 
"Tchekaline, V.F.; Fomtchenko, M.M. 
A novel error detection technique for automatically gener- 
ated digital elevation models 
TP IV-01-02 
*Gooch, Michael; Chandler, Jim 
An Experimental Result on the Refinement of DEMs using 
iteratively generated ortho-image from SPOT stereopairs 
TP IV-01-03 
*Lee, Yong-Woong; Yeu, Bock-Mo; Koh, Jin-Woo; Cho, 
An experiment in cartography production and updating 
using satellite images 
TP IV-01-04 
Fiani, Margherita; *Vatore, Felicia 
DTM generation from Russian TK-350 space imagery in the 
PC-based photogrammetric system Z-Space 
TP IV-01-05 
*Sibiryakov, Alexander 
Digital 3D-Data Acquisition with the High Resolution 
Stereo Camera-Airborne (HRSC-A) 
TP IV-01-06 
*Scholten, Frank 
Evaluation and Integration of Urban Height Information into a 
Database for Radio Planning Purposes 
TP IV-01-07 
*Siebe, Eckhard; Kaufmann, Katrin 
Planning and production of 1,300 digital orthophoto maps 
of the region affected by the earthquake in Turkey 
TP IV-01-08 
*Akdenyz, Erdogan 
Investigation of the accuracy of digital elevation models 
(DEMs) used in producing orthophoto maps in the Mar- 
mara earthquake area 
TP IV-01-09 
*Ozbalmumcu, Mahmut 
The advantages of High density airborne laser measure- 
TP IV-01-10 
"Akiyama, Y. 
Evaluation of landslide volume using photogrammetric 
TP IV-01-11 
*Fiani, Margherita; Barbarella, Maurizio; Fazio, Carmine 
A Data-Independent Method for Quantitative Accuracy 
Assessment of Morphological Parameters Extracted from 
Grid-based DTM 
TP IV-01-12 
*Zhou, Qiming 
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