Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Application of remote sensing and GIS to development 
TP VII-01-04 
*Patmios, E.; Lasaridou, M. 
Data Integration for Pan European Land Cover Monitoring 
TP VII-01-05 
*van Katwijk, Victor; Boersma, W.; Mücher, C.A.; Stein- 
nocher, K.T.; Champeaux, J.L.; Wester, K.; Griguolo, S.; 
Heunks, C. 
WFI/CBERS imagery simulation for understanding water 
pathways from Amazon River to the floodplain 
TP VII-01-06 
*Novo, Evlyn; Shimabukuro, Yosio; Costa, Maycira 
Information, integration, internet and interface: a solution 
for coastal zone management 
TP VII-01-07 
*Green, D.R.; King, S.D. 
Woody vegetation damage assessment using Landsat 
imagery and GIS 
TP VII-01-08 
Ibrahim Mohammed, Gar Elnabi; *Abdalla Fadl Elmula, 
Isam Eldin 
RAMSES system 
TP VII-01-09 
*Henaff, Y.; Pinel, B.; Caspar, C.; Fusco, L.; Forte, M. 
Fuel Model Mapping and Fire Simulation Modelling 
TP VII-01-10 
*Tueller, Paul; Krauter, Karl; Hill, Kevin; Cheng, Tzutai; Noo- 
nan, Erin 
Changes at multiple spatial scales 
TP VII-01-11 
*de Carvalho, Luis; Fonseca, Leila; Murtagh, Fionn; 
Clevers, Jan 
Geomorphology of the Blue Nile by remote sensing 
TP VII-01-12 
*Osman, A.R. 
Seasonal Change of NDVI Calculated by JERS Data with 
Higher Spatial Resolution 
TP VII-01-13 
*Osaki, Keiji 
Enhanching Coarse Resolution Poputation Data with Night- 
time Earth Images for Global Urban Land Cover Assessment 
TP VII-01-14 
*Lawrence, W.; Imhoff, M.; Rusin, R.; Stutzer, D.; Aschwan- 
den, C. 
TP VII-11 
Session: Disaster mitigation 
Room: Room N 
Date: 18th July 
Time: 13:30 - 16:00 
Chair: Singhroy, Vernon, Canada 
188— —— 
Topographical classification in the prediction of disaster 
zone in forest fire using DTM 
TP VII-11-01 
*Koizumi, Toshio 
Landslide investigations in Southern Kyrgyzstan based on 
a digital elevation model derived from stereoscopic 
MOMs-2P data 
TP VII-11-02 
*Roessner, S.; Wetzel, H-U.; Kaufmann, H.; Kornus, W.; 
Lehner, M.; Reinartz, P.; Mueller, R. 
Research of seismic damage for network of gas pipes 
based on GIS 
TP VII-11-03 
*Yu, J.; Bian, E; Li, P. 
A feasibility study of extraction method for densely 
crowded areas with wooden buildings in the KOBE gov- 
ernment: considering evaluation of urban fire hazard 
TP VII-11-04 
*Katayama, R.; Shozi, M. 
The role of digital orthophotos in the management of envi- 
ronmental disasters 
TP VII-11-05 
*Banchini, G.; Gentili, G.; Lombardo, G.; Surace, L. 
Coastal meandering currents and estuarine fronts 
detected by JERS-1 SAR images 
TP VII-11-06 
*Marone, Eduardo; Noernberg, Mauricio Almeida 
A comparison between optical and radar satellite images 
in detecting burnt tropical forest in South Sumatra, 
TP VII-11-07 
*Hussin, Yousif; Sunuprapto, Heri 
Use of a Landsat-TM time-series for monitoring erosion 
features in areas of gold exploration, region of Serra Tepe- 
quém, Roraima State, Brazilian Amazon 
TP VII-11-08 
*Almeida-Filho, Raimundo; 
Shimabukuro, Yosio E. 
Melo,  Edileuza C.; 
Validation of satellite and rain-gauge data for parameter- 
ising a soil erosion model for sub-Saharan Africa 
TP VII-11-09 
*Symeonakis, Elias; Bonifacio, Rogerio; Drake, Nick 
Burn Scar Mapping and Fire Damage Assessment using 
ERS-2 SAR Images in East Kalimantan, Indonesia 
TP VII-11-10 
*Ruecker, Gernot; Siegert, Florian 
Temporal analysis of urban growth at erosion risk areas 
using remote sensing and geoprocessing techniques 
TP VII-11-11 
*Valério Filho, Mário; Serafim, Carlos Roberto; Dias, Luiz 
Alberto Vieira 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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