Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

d on 
Morphological slope failure detection using multisensor 
data merged by wavelet transformation 
TP VII-11-12 
*Tsujiko, Yuji 
L'évaluation des catastrophes naturelles en mileu urbain 
par télédétection, photogrammétrie et technologies GIS 
TP VII-11-13 
*Zavoianu, Fl.; Turdeanu, L.; Dinulescu, L. 
Multitemporal LANDSAT TM data for monitoring the 
effects of forest fires and vegetation recovery processes in 
Mediterranean areas 
TP VII-11-14 
"Patrono, A.; Baptista, A.; Ebeltjes, J. 
Geographic investigation system for the fight against 
sleeping sickness in Cote d’Ivoire 
TP VII-11-15 
*Baudouhat, M.-J.; Baiiintchie, E.; Diomande, Y.; Hussard, 
A.; Hervouét, J.-P.; Vessier, M. 
Study of the flood hazard in the Castelfranco Emilia area 
(Modena Province, Northern Italy) 
TP VII-11-16 
Castaldini, Doriano; *Bertens, Jurjen; Giusti, Cecilia; Gon- 
zalez Diez, Alberto; Marchetti, Mauro; Barbieri, Massimo; 
Bonachea, Jaime 
Practical applications of digital mapping technology 
TP VII-11-17 
*Oyama, Y.; Fukushima, N.; Shishido, M. 
A trial of environmental damage account after the 
NAHODKA oil-spill, 1997 using geoinformation 
TP VII-11-18 
*Kim, Sang-Woo; Goto, Shintaro; Matui, Kouiji; Shikada, 
Masaaki; Shikida, Asami; Sawano, Nobuhiro 
Geoinformation for erosion monitoring and mapping using 
multi-temporal aerial photographs, simple instruments, 
and numerical data processing 
TP VII-11-19 
*Efiong-Fuller, E.O. 
Spilled oil trajectory assessment by using TOPEX/POSEIDON 
TP VII-11-20 
*Kozai, Katsutoshi 
SnowView and FlowView - Geographical presentation and 
analysis of information in both time and space domain 
TP VII-11-21 
*Sollie, Arnt; Norheim, David; Schedt-Osmo, Ole 
Progress of the CEOS disaster management support project 
TP VII-11-22 
"Wood, H. 
Integrated data-sets for land-use planning, natural hazards 
and impact assessment in Guipuzcoa, Basque Country, Spain 
TP VII-11-23 
*González-Díez, Alberto; Giusti, Cecilia; Remondo, Juan; 
de la Pedraja, Almudena; Díaz de Terán, José Ramón; 
González-Lastra, Juan; Aramburu, José Maria 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 
EE ilU tei ia 
A methodological approach for the evaluation of impact on 
the intrinsic quality of sites of geomorphological interest 
(SGI), using GIS techniques. 
TP VII-11-24 
*Giusti, Cecilia; González-Díez, Alberto 
Application of multivariate statistics to study stream sedi- 
ment data from the vicinity of Lead-Zinc occurrences at 
Gabal El-Rusas Area, Eastern Desert, Egypt 
TP VII-11-25 
*Morsy, M.A. 
Flood hazard assessment and monitoring using geo- 
graphic information and remotely sensed data 
TP VII-11-26 
*Stancalie, Gheorghe; Alecu, Corina; Catana, Simona 
Session: Real time systems 
Room: Room C/D 
Date: 18th July 
Time: 16:00 - 17:30 
Chair: Li, Ron, United States 
Automatic Recognition of Civil Infrastructure Objects in 
Mobile Mapping Imagery using a Markov random field model 
*Tu, Zhuowen; Li, Rongxing 
The Development of a Backpack Mobile Mapping System 
*Ellum, Cameron; El-Sheimy, Naser 
The development of airborne three line scanner with high 
accuracy INS and GPS for analysing car velocity distribution 
*Murai, Shunji; Matsumoto, Y. 
Research on Match of GPS Signal and Road Information 
for mobile navigation system 
"Wang, Mi; Guo, Bingxuan; Li, Deren; Gong, Jianya 
Session: Dynamic spatial modelling 
Room: Room B 
Date: 18th July 
Time: 16:00 - 17:30 
Chair: Chen, Jun, China 
Automated change detection in GIS databases based on 
classification of multispectral data 
"Walter, Volker 
Change detection in urban area based on stereo image 
pairs of different duration 
"Zhang, Jianging; Zhang, Zuxun; Fan, Hong; Fang, Zheng; 
Liu, Zifang 

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