Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

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Date: 19th July 
Time: 08:30 - 10:00 
Chair: Heipke, Christian, Germany 
Digital systems for automated cartographic feature extrac- 
TC 11-03-01 
*Gülch, E. 
Photogrammetric software for the LH Systems ADS40 air- 
borne digital sensor 
TC 11-03-02 
“Tempelmann, Udo; Borner, Anko; Chaplin, Bruce: 
Hinsken, Ludger; Mykhalevych, Borys; Miller, Scott: 
Recke, Utz; Reulke, Ralf; Uebbing, Robert 
Digital Modular Camera: System Concept and Data pro- 
cessing workflow 
TC 11-03-03 
*Doerstel, Christoph 
Automatic triangulation and rectification of images from 
airborne and spaceborne sensors 
TC 11-03-04 
*Wang, Younian; Yang, Xinghe; Stojic, Mladen 
Towards automated map updating: is it feasible with new 
digital data-aquisition and processing techniques? 
TC 11-03-05 
*Hoffmann, A.; van der Vegt, J.-W.; Lehmann, Frank 
TC IV-03a 
Session: Spatio-temporal databases 
Room: Room B 
Date: 19th July 
Time: 08:30 - 10:00 
Chair: Pluemer, Lutz, Germany 
A Study of Data Consistency in Spatial Database System 
TC IV-03a-01 
*Zhu, Xinyan; Li, Deren; Gong, Jianya 
Development of Network-Based GlServices in Support of 
Online Geocomputing 
TC IV -03a-02 
*Tao, C. Vincent; Yuan, Shuxin 
Querytool: design, implementation and applications 
TC IV-03a-03 
*van Oosterom, Peter; Maessen, Bart; Quak, Wilko 
The Integrated Spatial Databases of GeoStar 
TC IV-03a-04 
*Zhu, Qing; Li, Deren; Gong, Jianya; Xiong, Hanjiang 
Vectorial road data structuring according to a conceptual 
TC IV-03a-05 
*Nechniche, H.; Brahimi, K. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 
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TC V-06 
Session: Motion capture, animation and 3D medical 
image processing 
Room: Room L 
Date: 19th July 
Time: 08:30 - 10:00 
Chair: Margadant, Felix, Australia 
Human shape and motion recovery using animation mod- 
TC V-06-01 
Herda, L.; Plänkers, R.; Boulic, R.; *Fua, P 
Least Squares Matching Tracking Algorithm for Human 
Body Modelling 
TC V-06-02 
Fua, Pascal; *D'Apuzzo, Nicola; Plaenkers, Ralf 
An integrated ergoma system for human motion analysis 
TC V-06-03 
"Yoshida, S.; Chikatsu, H. 
On Measuring Trajectory-Invariant Gait Signatures 
TC V-06-04 
*Carter, John; Nixon, M. 
Dynamic analysis of human motion using hybrid video 
theodolite system 
TC V-06-05 
"Anai, Tetsuji; Chikatsu, Hirofumi 
TC VI-02 
Session: Internet activities 
Room: Room C/D 
Date: 19th July 
Time: 08:30 - 10:00 
Chair: Chen, Tuan-Chih, China - Taipei 
ISPRS on the Internet - Presence and prospects 
TC VI-02-01 
*Streilein, André 
The Design Idea and Feature of Chinese National Geo- 
spatial Data Transfer Format 
TC VI-02-02 
"Wang, Yandong; Gong, Jianya; Huang, Juntao; Xiong, 
The Situation and Progress of Internet for ISPRS 
TC VI-02-03 
*Chen, Tuan-Chih 
Interactive Education on the Web - Experiences in Devel- 
opment and Application of a Computer Assisted Training 
Course for Remote Sensing 
TC VI-02-04 
*Koenig, Gerhard 
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