Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

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Spatial tools for laymen, natural resources management by 
TC VII-03-03 
*Van Laake, Patrick 
Interannual variability of NDVI and species richness in Kenya 
TC VII-03-04 
*Oindo, B.O.; Skidmore, A.K.; de By, Rolf 
Assessment of primary productivity for food production in 
major basins of Asia using R.S. and GIS 
TC VII-03-05 
*Ochi, S.; Shibasaki, R.; Murai, S. 
Session: Spatial data and terabyte technology, new 
business opportunities 
Room: Room L 
Date: 19th July 
Time: 10:30 - 12:00 
Moderator Murai, Shunji, Japan 
A 12 terabyte image server service for the Internet. 
*Robert Sharks GlobeXplorer.com 
Generation and quality assessment of global topography 
using spaceborne alitmetry, "ground truth" and GPS 
"J.P. Muller, UCL, Department of Geomatic Engineering 
The Virtual Museum - data generations and visualisation 
"Pierre Boulanger, National Research Council of Canada, 
Institute for Information Technology. 
TP 11-01 
Session: Real time mapping and techniques for applica- 
tion of images 
Room: Room A 
Date: 19th July 
Time: 13:30 - 16:00 
Chair: Schade, Holger, Switzerland 
Co-Chair Toth, Charles, United States 
Continent-wide high accuracy GPS network (C-Hagnet): a 
backbone for 21st century geoinfomation for all 
TP 11-01-01 
*Brown, Ken; Acharya, Bishwa 
The Double Interpolation and Double Prediction (DIDP) 
Approach for INSAR and GPS Integration 
TP 11-01-02 
*Ge, Linlin; Han, Shaowei; Rizos, Chris 
Robust GPS kinematic positioning for direct georeferenc- 
TP 11-01-03 
*Talaya, Julia 
E RR mite enm 
Prototype Development for Vehicle-based Laser Mapping 
System (VLMS) 
TP 11-01-04 
*Manandhar, Dinesh; Shibasaki, Ryosuke 
Image Compression Versus Matching Accuracy 
TP 11-01-05 
*Kiefner, Michael; Hahn, Micheal 
Compression and distribution of SNB softcopy orthopho- 
tomap database 
TP 11-01-06 
"Abdelrahim, Mohamed; Coleman, David; Castonguay, 
Rejan; Raymond, David 
Precision Mapping of Highway Linear Features 
TP 11-01-07 
*Grejner-Brzezinska, Dorota; Toth, Charles K. 
A street map built by a mobile mapping system 
TP 11-01-08 
"Silva, J.F.C.; Camargo, P.O.; Oliveira, R.A.; Guardia, M.C.; 
Reiss, M.L.L.; Silva, R.A.C. 
Digital mapping horizons that deserve the prestige and 
outcome of the next century 
TP 11-01-09 
*Al-Garni, A.M. 
Impacts of the collocation window on the accuracy of 
altimeter/buoy wind speed comparison - a simulation 
TP 11-01-10 
“Chen, G 
On the Matching Accuracy of Rasterised Scanning Laser 
Altimeter Data 
TP 11-01-11 
*Behan, Avril 
Use of remote sensing imagery for fast generation of mili- 
tary maps and simulator databases 
TP Il-01-12 
*van Persie, Mark; Noorbergen, Hein H.S.; van den Broek, 
Bert A.C.; Dekker, Rob J. 
Automatic measurement of sewer man-holes in large scale 
aerial images 
TP 11-01-13 
*Pollak, Bernd; Jacobsen, Karsten 
A Distributed Catalogue and Data Services System for 
Remote Sensing Data 
TP 11-01-14 
*Suresh, R.; Di, L.; McDonald, K. 
Automatic cartography from aerial images (site of sale, 
TP 11-01-15 
*El kharki, Omar 
Low Cost Integrated Airborne Multispectral Remote Sensing 
TP 11-01-16 
*Roberts, Arthur 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. A iam 2000. 

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