Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Intégration Télédétection - S.I.G. Reconstitution du Mod- 
èle Géométrique et Restitution Interactive des Eléments 
Planimétriques à l'aide d'un SIG 
TP Il-01-17 
*Djillali, Abdelkader 
Software Tn estudio V2.0: integration of digital image pro- 
cessing tools with pattern recognition to support remote 
sensing studies 
TP Il-01-18 
*Gil, J.L.; Vega, M.B.; Garcia, E.; Sanchez, R.; Jimenez, 
L.A.; de Zayas, M.; Martinez, M. 
Automatic patterning of the middle scale map using GIS data 
TP Il-01-19 
*Goto, N.; Tsuru, K.; Takenouchi, T. 
An integrated Spatial Information System for Informal Set- 
tlement Upgrading 
TP 11-01-20 
*Abbott, John 
Thematic Resolution Assessment Merging Landsat & Spot 
TP 11-01-21 
*Antunes, Alzir Felippe 
Development of a Helicopter-based integrated system for 
avalanche mapping and hazard management 
TP 11-01-22 
*Vallet, J.; Skaloud, J.; Kólbl, O.; Merminod, B. 
TP 111-02 
Session: Road/object recognition 
Room: Room B 
Date: 19th July 
Time: 13:30 - 16:00 
Chair: Habib, Ayan, United States 
Detection of dominant orthogonal road structures in small 
scale imagery 
TP 11-02-01 
*Faber, A.; Fórstner, Wolfgang 
Early Stage Object Recognition using Neural Networks 
TP 1II-02-02 
*Bellman, Chris; Shortis, Mark 
Effects of different laser scanning modes on the results of 
building recognition and reconstruction 
TP IIl-02-03 
*Steinle, Eberhard; Vögtle, Thomas 
Road Network Extraction by Hierarchical Grouping 
TP 11-02-04 
*Wang , Yandong; Trinder, John 
Occlusion detection in digital images through Bayesian 
TP 11-02-05 
*Brito, Jorge 
Junction Extraction from High Resolution Images by Com- 
posite Learning 
TP 11-02-06 
“Teoh, C.Y.; Sowmya, A. 
Road surface textures classification using opening-based 
image processing 
TP 11-02-07 
*Paquis, Stephane; Legeay, V.; Konik, H. 
An Approach to Semiautomated Road Extraction from 
Aerial Image Based on Template Matching and Neural Net- 
TP 11-02-08 
*Xiangyun, Hu; Zhang, Zuxun; Zhang, Jianging 
Likelihood-Based Image Segmentation and Classification: 
Concepts and Applications 
TP IIl-02-09 
*Abkar, Ali Akbar; Sharifi, M. 
Generalized Mathematical Model of Precise Photogram- 
metry Reconstruction of Objects ; 
TP IlI-02-10 
*Dorozhynskyy, A.; Moskal, N. 
Applying Computer Vision Techniques to Topographic 
TP 1II-02-11 
*Keyes, Laura; Winstanley, Adam 
Automatic compilation of road figure from plotting data 
TP 1II-02-12 
*Kosuke, T.; Hidenori, l.; Takashi, Y. 
Imagemap simplification using mathematical morphology 
TP 11-02-13 
*Amini, J.; Saradjian, M.R. 
Semi-automatic detection and enhancement of linear fea- 
tures to update GIS files 
TP 1-02-14 
*Forghani, Ali 
Application of ellipsoidal coordinates in photogrammetric 
TP Ill-02-15 
*Tjuflin, Yuri 
A new approach to object recognition in high resolution 
satellite imagery 
TP Ill-02-16 
*Qin, Qiming; Yuan, Yinhuan; Lu, Rongjian 
Algorithm for fast detection and identification of characters 
in grey-level images 
TP 1Il-02-17 
*Fu, Z.; Bian, E; Zhou, S.; Hu, Q. 
Analysis of image objects from VHR imagery for forest GIS 
updating in the Bavarian Alps 
TP 111-02-18 
de Kok, Roeland; Buck, A.; *Schneider, T.; Ammer, U. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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