Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Welcome to the XIX" ISPRS Congress 
by Congress Director and President of NSEOG 
The Netherlands' Society for Earth Observation and Geo- 
informatics (NSEOG) has the great honour to welcome you 
to the XIXth Congress of the International Society for Pho- 
togrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) in Amsterdam, 
The Netherlands. 
To make the Congress 2000 a trend-set- 
ting event, much attention focuses on the 
contribution of photogrammetry, remote 
sensing and spatial information systems 
to the well-being of human society 
through the generation of reliable infor- 
mation when dealing with the complex 
transition processes towards sustainable 
development, including food security, 
sustainable industrial and urban devel- 
opment, poverty reduction, equity, envi- 
ronmental protection and global change. 
We want to emphasise that our spatial 
sciences belong to the pillars on which 
the future of our planet earth and its 
inhabitants depend. 
In line with this, the motto of the Con- 
gress is: 
Geoinformation for All 
With representatives from | ISPRS 
sciences, industry an policy, as well as 
decision-makers, we will discuss the 
challenges involved in how spatial infor- 
mation sciences and technology can 
deliver timely and cost-effective contribu- 
tions that are comprehensible and acces- 
sible for management, policy-makers and 
decision support and can make an 
impact upon all levels of society world- 
During the past four years, Council, 
ISPRS officers and our Local Organising 
Committee together have done a mar- 
vellous job in preparing this XIXth Con- 
gress in such a way that it can indeed be 
Klaas Jan Beek 
Martien Molenaar 
a trend-setting event, as might be expected of a Congress 
that takes place at the turn of the millennium. 
We hope and expect that everyone will enjoy the excite- 
ment of the scientific programme, with 
contributions from many young authors, 
as well as the charm and warmth of the 
social programme which should reflect 
the hospitality of the Dutch people and 
the cosmopolitan and liberal atmos- 
phere of Amsterdam. 
With your presence we can make the 
XIXth ISPRS Congress 2000 a really 
memorable event. We welcome you all 
With your partners to Amsterdam in 
July 2000 and thank you for your active 
participatory interest in our Society. 
Klaas Jan Beek 
ISPRS Congress Director 
Martien Molenaar 
President of The Netherlands’ Society 
for Earth Observation and Geo-Infor- 
matics (NSEOG) 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 

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