Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

d on 
TC IV-05a 
Session: Spatial database interpretation 
Room: Room B 
Date: 21st July 
Time: 08:30 - 10:00 
Chair: Sester, Monika, Germany 
Multidimensional Representation of Geographic Features 
TC IV-05a-01 
*Usery, E. Lynn 
A method for construction of 2D Hull for generalised car- 
tographic representation 
TC IV-05a-02 
*Joubran, Jacqueleen; Gabay, Yair 
Modelling, computing and classifying topographic area fea- 
tures based on topologically non-structured line input data 
TC IV-05a-03 
*de Gunst, Marlies; van Oosterom, Peter; van Osch, Berry 
Urban Classifications for Generalisation Orchestration 
TC IV-05a-04 
*Boffet, Annabelle; Coquerel, Caroline 
Parameter-Free Cluster Detection in Spatial Databases 
and its Application to Typification 
TC IV-05a-05 
*Anders, Karl-Heinrich; Sester, Monika 
Session: Generation and maintenance of large scale 
Room: Room C/D 
Date: 21st July 
Time: 08:30 - 10:00 
Chair: Osterlund, Henrik, Sweden 
The IGOS programme 
David Williams, Head of Strategy and International Rela- 
tions, EUMETSAT 
Information Systems and Services 
Peter Churchill, Head of SSSA Unit, Space Applications 
institute, JRC 
Global geoinformation from Earth observation 
Gunter Schreier, DELPHI2 GmBH, Munich 
Validating global datasets 
John Townshend, University of Maryland, USA 
TC V-07 
Session: CAD - based architectural and archeological 
Room: Room L 
Date: 21st July 
Time: 08:30 - 10:00 
Chair: Patias, Petros, Greece 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 
First experience with the "Zurich city hall" dataset for 
architectural photogrammetry 
TC V-07-01 
*Streilein, André; Hanke, Klaus; Grussenmeyer, Pierre 
Surveys in Archaeological Sites for 3D Modelling 
TC V-07-02 
*Tokmakidis, Kostas; Ito, Juko; Inada, Kosuke 
An approach to estimation of 2D-3D motion of surfaces: 
the frequency domain technique 
TC V-07-03 
Cortelazzo, G.M.; *Guarnieri, A.; Lucchese, L.; Vettore, A. 
The process of making a 3D-vector scenograph of ancient 
building with large quantities of data 
TC V-07-04 
*Yixuan, Z.; Zhiyong, Ch. 
Application of spectral and textural classifications to 
recognise materials and damages on historic building 
TC V-07-05 
*Lerma, José Luis; Ruiz, Luis Angel; Buchon, Fernando 
TC VII-02 
Session: From raw data to user-defined quantitative 
Room: Room A 
Date: 21st July 
Time: 08:30 - 10:00 
Chair: Staenz, Karl, Canada 
The using of satellite image data from optic and 
microwaves data for development of a methodology for 
identification and extraction of flooded area 
TC VII-02-01 
*Potcoava, Mariana - Camelia; Stancalie, Gheorghe; Rad- 
ucanu, Dan 
On the Capabilities of Digital High Resolution Multispectral 
Remote Sensing Techniques to Serve Nature Conservation 
TC VII-02-02 
*Hansen, Wolfgang von; Sties, Manfred 
A semi-empirical approach for estimating plant parame- 
ters within the ReSeDA project 
TC VII-02-03 
*Clevers, Jan; Vonder, Oscar; Jongschaap, Raymond; 
Desprats, J.F.; King, C.; Prevot, L.; Bruguier, N. 
Simultaneous retrieval of surface parameters by model 
TC VII-02-04 
"Verhoef, Wout 
Spectral Unmixing for the Classification of Hyperspectral 
TC VII-02-05 
*Tseng, Yi-Hsing 

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