Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Session: CATCON 
Room: Room M 
Date: 21st July 
Time: 9:00 - 16:00 (9:00-12:00 Offical Demo, 
13:30-16:00 Interactive Demo) 
Chair: Murai, Shunji (1st Vice President) 
Members: Lukman Aziz, Teuku (Com. VI President) 
Cho, Kohei (WG VI/2 Chairperson) 
Representative from each Commission and/or 
WG chairs of Commission VI 
Moderator: Cho, Kohei 
CATCON is the name of a software contest organised by the 
ISPRS Commission VI working group 2: Computer Assisted 
Teaching (CAT) sponsored by the CCS (Central Computer 
Service) of Japan, and a total of 500,000 yen (about 4,500 
US dollar) will be awarded to the winners of the contest. 
Gold Award (3,000 Swiss Francs) 
Silver Award (2,500 Swiss Francs) 
Bronze Award (1,500 Swiss Francs) 
The main objective of the contest is to promote the devel- 
opment and dissemination of good/user-friendly software 
packages, WWW contents as well as datasets for com- 
puter assisted teaching. In general, the software, WWW 
contents or dataset is prefered to be non-commercial and 
preferably to be provided to the users free of charge. 
LH Systems Panel Session in 
co-operation with ITC 
Session: Panel discussion: training and retaining quali- 
fied photogrammetric staff. 
Room: Room C/D 
Date: 21st July 
Time: 10:30 - 12:00 
Chair: Wald, Bruce United States 
Bruce Wald, President & CEO of LH Systems, will chair a dis- 
cussion to address the problems that face today's leading 
photogrammetric private service companies and govern- 
ment departments, of finding and keeping staff of high qual- 
ity to operate modern photogrammetric workstations pro- 
ductively. Panelists will include opinion leaders from private 
industry system suppliers and service companies, and from 
government and academia. 
Session: Object recognition and image understanding 
Room: Forum room 
Date: 21st July 
Time: 10:30 - 12:00 
Chair: Guelch, Eberhard, Germany 
Multi-source feature extraction and visualisation in Urban 
*Mikhail, Edward M. 
Automatic Extraction of Trees in Urban Areas from Aerial 
*Bacher, Uwe; Mayer, Helmut 
Automatic derivation of features related to forest stand 
attributes using laser scanner 
*Hyyppa, Juha; Hyyppa, Hannu; Ruppert, Georg 
A new framework for automatic building detection 
analysing multiple cue data 
*Zimmermann, Petra 
Method of 3D-object detection based on orthophoto dif- 
ference analysis 
*Zheltov, Sergey; Sibiryakov, Alexander 
Session: DTM generation and ortho-images | 
Room: Room A 
Date: 21st July 
Time: 10:30 - 12:00 
Chair: Welch, Roy, United States 
Topographic line map production using high resolution air- 
borne interferometric SAR 
*Lorraine Tighe, M. 
LANDMAP: Creating a DEM of the British Isles by SAR 
*Morley, J.G.; Muller, J.-PA.L.; Walker, A.H.; Kitmitto, K.; 
Mitchell, K.; Chugani, K.; Smith, A.; Barnes, J.; Cross, PA; 
Dowman, l.J. 
InSAR DEM calibration for topographic mapping in East- 
ern Uganda 
*Slob, Siefko; Kervyn, Frangois; Lavreau, Johan; Odida, 
John; Kyagulanyi, David 
DEM Generation Using ERS-1/2 interferometric SAR Data 
*Shiping, Shi 
Detection of deformation area in Mt. Mayon in the Philippines 
using differential SAR interfefometry by EERS1 tandem data 
*Tokunaga, Mitsuharu 
TC IV-05b 
Session:  Generalisation of spatial data 
Room: Room B 
Date: 21st July 
Time: 10:30 - 12:00 
Chair: Richardson, Dianne, Canada 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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