Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

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n 2000. 
Using Hough transform in line extraction 
TP V-03-20 
*Stylianidis, Efstratios; Patias, Petros 
Publishing 3D geologic data and models on the World 
Wide Web using VRML 
TP V-03-21 
"Sides, Edmund 
Towards automatic reconstruction of Visually Realistic 
Models of buildings 
TP V-03-22 
"Varshosaz, Masood; Dowman, lan; Chapman, David 
Photogrammetry using 3D graphics and projective tex- 
TP V-03-23 
*Spann, J.; Kaufman, K. 
Weighted geometric object constraints integrated in a line- 
photogrammetric bundle adjustment. 
TP V-03-24 
*Hrabacek, Jan; van den Heuvel, Frank A. 
3D Measurement system using glancing angles of Line- 
laser beam for archeological artifacts 
TP V-03-25 
*Yokoyama, Hiroshi; Chikatsu, Hirofumi 
Digital correlation experiences applied to close range pho- 
TP V-03-26 
*Sanchez Dalotto, Roque; Loch, Carlos; Bahr, Hans-Peter 
Warping methods of producing a development of historical 
TP V-03-27 
*Jachimski, J.; Mierzwa, W. 
TP VII-06 
Session: — Sustainable resource management - general 1 
Room: Room O 
Date: 21st July 
Time: 13:30 - 16:00 
Chair: Rao, D.P, India 
Forest vegetation/land use change detection and impact 
assessment in part of Western Himalaya 
TP VII-06-01 
*Pant, D.N.; Groten, S.M.T.; Roy, PS. 
Indian scenario in the application of geographical informa- 
tion system and geo-informatics 
TP VII-06-02 
*Narayanan, L.R.A. 
The use of remote sensing for environmental impact assess- 
ment and determination of the area affected by refugees in 
Ngara District, North Western Tanzania 
TP VII-06-03 
*Ndyeshumba, P. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 
M —Ó—ÀMÀMÀMÀ ae ——— € E 
Multi-temporal remotely-sensed data cartography for sus- 
tainable natural resource management practices: Gedaref 
region, East Central Sudan 
TP VII-06-04 
*Saeed Mosmar Alawad, Saeed 
Remote Sensing in Regional Natural Resources Monitoring 
and Mapping: Challenges and Solutions in Chicago 
Wilderness Conservation 
TP VII-06-05 
*Wang, Yegiao; Moskovits, Debra 
National land cover Database of The Netherlands 
TP VII-06-06 
*Thunnissen, Herman; de Wit, Allard 
Automatic building extraction from aerial images 
TP VII-06-07 
"Widmer, Thomas; Faig, Wolfgang 
Characterisation of the Dynamic Response of the Vegeta- 
tion Cover in South America by Wavelet Multiresolution 
Analysis of NDVI Time Series 
TP VII-06-08 
*Leguizamon, Saturnino 
Comparative analysis of landscape fragmentation in 
Rondónia, Brazilian Amazon 
TP VII-06-09 
"Batistella, Mateus; Brondizio, Eduardo S.; Moran, Emilio F. 
PCA used to discriminate phenological variations in Cer- 
rado physiognomy in Sáo Paulo - Brazil 
TP VII-06-10 
*Bitencourt, Marisa 
Influence of topoclimatic variables derived from digital ter- 
rain models over the vegetation regeneration processes in 
burned areas 
TP VII-06-11 
*Porres de la Haza, M.J.; Pardo Pascual, J.E. 
Towards environmental sustainability in Nigeria as economic 
development: a spatial information technology approach 
TP VII-06-12 
*Akinyemi, F.O.; Ogunkoya, Olayinka 
Studying and monitoring the Greenland ice sheet using 
GIS techniques 
TP VII-06-13 
*Kim, Changjoo; Csatho, Beata; Thomas, Robert: van der 
Veen, C.J. 
Design of a Multinational GIS-Based Information Manage- 
ment System for Environmental Decision-Making in the 
Mekong Region 
TP VII-06-14 
*Crain, lan 
Analysis of landuse change effects upon river discharge - 
application of a hydrological watershed model with inte- 
gration of remote sensing and GIS-techniques 
TP VII-06-15 
*Jürgens, Carsten 

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