Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Session: Feature extraction 
Room: Forum room 
Date: 23rd July 
Time: 08:30 - 10:00 
Chair: Baumgartner, Albert, Germany 
Subpixel - Precise Extraction of Lines and Edges 
*Steger, Carsten 
A quantitative measure for the similarity between features 
extracted from aerial images and road objects in GIS 
"Abramovich, Tal; Krupnik, Amnon 
Automated Road Vectorisation with Self-Organising Maps 
"Doucette, Peter; Agouris, Peggy; Musavi, Mohammad; 
Stefanidis, Anthony 
A new segment shape parameter for grid data and its 
application to land use segmentation 
*Günzl, Manfred H.; Hellwich, Olaf 
ATOMI - Automated reconstruction of Topographic Objects 
from aerial images using vectorised Map Information 
"Eidenbenz, Christoph; Kaeser, Christoph; Baltsavias, 
TC V-11 
Session: Performance of close range imaging systems 
Room: Room L 
Date: 23rd July 
Time: 08:30 - 10:00 
Chair: Beyer, Horst, Switzerland 
The control of a robot end-effector using photogrammetry 
TC V-11-01 
*Clarke, Tim; Wang, X. 
Design and calibration of a four-headed camera system for 
use in microgravity research 
TC V-11-02 
*Willneff, Jochen; Maas, Hans-Gerd 
Microtopography - The Photogrammetric Determination of 
Friction Surfaces 
TC V-11-03 
"Hemmleb, Matthias; Albertz, Jórg 
Measurements Of Granite Joint Surfaces Using area- 
based matching and a surface model 
TC V-11-04 
"Mustaffar, Mushairry; Mohd Amin, Mohd For; Teo, King 
Recommendation for an acceptance and verification test 
of optical 3D measurement systems 
TC V-11-05 
*Luhmann, Thomas; Wendt, Klaus 
TC 1-01 
Session: Space systems for disaster management 
Room: Room B 4 
Date: 23rd July 
Time: 08:30 - 10:00 
Chair: Jayaraman, V., India 
Extraction of Damaged Regions Using SAR Data and 
Neural Networks 
TC 1-01-01 
*Ito, Yosuke; Hosokawa, M.; Lee, H.; Liu, J.G. 
Geometric correction of ADEOS-II/GLI 
TC 1-01-02 
*Hashimoto, Toshiaki 
SAR and Landsat TM Image Fusion for Land Cover Clas- 
sification in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Domain 
TC 1-01-03 
*Dupas, Claudio 
A digital multi-CCD camera system for near real-time mapping 
TC 1-01-04 
*Savopol, Florin 
Construction of Internet geographical information system 
for clearing of offshore and onshore oil spills 
TC 1-01-05 
*Utsunomiya, Y.; Yoshie, H.; Shimamura, H.; Tsuchiya, T. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. —— 
Session: Feature extraction 
Room: Forum room 
Date: 23rd July 
Time: 10:30 - 12:00 
Chair: Mayer, Helmut, Germany 
Multi-scale road extraction using local and global grouping 
"Baumgartner, Albert; Hinz, Stefan 
Semi-automated Feature Extraction using Simulated 
*Trinder, John 
Straight edge extraction from multiple views for recon- 
struction of man-made objects 
*Bibitchev, Andrew 
Topological and Geometrical Reasoning in 3D Grouping for 
Reconstructing Polyhedral Surfaces 
*Heuel, Stephan; Fôrstner, Wolfgang; Lang, Felicitas 

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