Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Terms of Reference: 
Single- and multi-sensor system calibration; 
Automatic sensor orientation using GPS and INS infor- 
mation, and digital image processing techniques; 
Automatic aerial triangulation; 
Combination of sensor orientation and calibration algo- 
rithms with 3D scene reconstruction algorithms; 
Multi-sensor information integration, e.g. aerial and 
satellite imagery, radar data, multi-spectral imagery, in 
conjunction with WG 11/2 
WG IIl/2 Algorithms for Surface Reconstruction 
Chair Amnon Krupnik 
Co-chair Charles Toth 
Secretary Maxim Fradkin 
Terms of Reference: 
Algorithms for surface reconstruction from different 
cues, such as stereo, shading, shadows, texture, and 
spectral properties 
Integration of information from different sources, 
including aerial and satellite imagery, radar data, range 
data, multiple images and GIS data 
Automatic verification and quality control of recon- 
structed surfaces 
Interrelations between matching and interpolation 
Role of surface reconstruction in automatic scene 
WG IIl/3 Feature Extraction and Grouping 
Chair Helmut Mayer 
Co-chair Ram Nevatia 
Secretary Albert Baumgartner 
Terms of Reference: 
Segmentation of images into meaningful features, such 
as points, edges and regions 
Investigation of the impact of geometric and radiometric 
image formation on image segmentation 
Aggregation of features by iterated grouping methods 
Verification of global consistencies by optimisation 
Investigation of the potential of performing grouping 
processes in 3D under special consideration of object 
space constraints, precision and reliability 
Evaluation of the performance of feature extraction and 
grouping algorithms in co-operation with similar efforts 
in computer vision 
WG III/4 Image Understanding/Object Recognition 
Chair Wolfgang Eckstein 
Co-chair Eberhard Gülch 
Secretary Carsten Steger 
Terms of Reference: 
Theoretical/conceptual investigations in 3D object 
space recognition and image understanding 
Spatial modelling of man-made and natural objects like 
buildings, roads, or vegetation (geometric and seman- 
tic modelling) 
Theory and algorithms of automation of 3D object 
recognition and object extraction 
Automatic model generation from CAD data and 
example images 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 
- Generic control structures 
- Knowledge engineering 
- Integration of multiple sources (DEM, GIS, colour, etc.) 
in co-ordination with WGIII/5 
- Performance characterisation of algorithms (quality 
control, test procedures), jointly with WGIII/3 
WG IIl//5 Remote Sensing and Vision Theories for 
Automatic Scene Interpretation 
Chair Beata Csatho 
Co-chair DeLiang Wang 
Secretary Erzsebet Merenyi 
Terms of Reference: 
- Merging theories from remote sensing (classification) 
and computer vision for Object Recognition/ Image 
Understanding, to analyse and interpret multi-spectral, 
multi-sensor imagery 
- Exploration of the potential of scale space theory on 
multi-spectral imagery; extending the theory by includ- 
ing the spectrum 
- Combination of modelling efforts of real world objects 
in GIS, digital photogrammetry and computer vision 
- Investigation of the possibility of constraining the 3D 
image understanding and object recognition problem 
by GIS information, in co-operation with IC WG IV/III.2 
and WGIII.4 
WG Ill/6 Theory and Algorithms for SAR 
Chair Laurent Polidori 
Co-chair Soren Madsen 
Terms of Reference: 
- Theory and algorithms for SAR, particularly for interfer- 
ometry and feature extraction 
- Establishment of state-of-the-art radar mapping 
- Geometric relationships in processing and interpreting 
SAR data 
Quality control aspects of radar images and derived 
products, such as radar maps and DTMs 
3. Workshops Organised under the Auspices of 
Commission III 
Commission Ill addresses a wide range of activities, from 
data acquisition, surface reconstruction, object recogni- 
tion to image understanding. The State of Science in these 
diverse topics can be judged from papers presented at the 
following workshops, organised by the working groups of 
Commission Ill. 
The most important trends that emerged during the 4 year 
period may be summarised as follows: 
- Sensor orientation enjoys new research interest. Two 
major trends can be observed. First, the mathematical 
model is extended to allow for direct solutions, increas- 
ing the flexibility of data acquisition and reducing the 
need for good approximations. Second, there is a trend 
towards including features as entities into the orientation 
process. This is a significant step forward because fea- 
tures are more robust entities than points. 
- The workshop in Barcelona, Direct vs. Indirect Orienta- 
tion (see Table), provided an excellent snapshot of the 
status of direct platform orientation systems that have 
reached a high level of performance. But it also 
showed limitations. While some of these limitations will 

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