Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

be mentioned, it having revolutionary land imaging instru- 
ments all in line with the Landsat 7 ETM+ (ALI, the 
advanced land imager, Hyperion, the imaging spectro- 
meter and AC, the atmospheric corrector). Similar Earth- 
observation-oriented R+D achievements can be reported 
at ESA, NASDA, ISRO, and within other programme 
implementation. Nodal points of the institutional network 
LIG, INPE etc) have became inevitable fundaments for 
the wider global spatial data infrastructure. 
- Advances in hyperspectral imagery (HSI) exploitation 
and field spectroscopy instrumentation using stan- 
dardised spectral library. Achievements in this field 
were presented at numerous conferences, most 
notably at NASA's Annual AVIRIS Earth Sciences and 
Applications Workshop (Pasadena, 1999, 2000), the 
International SPIE Conference on Imaging Spectrome- 
try (Denver, July 1999) and at the ISPRS Working 
Group VII/1 supported ISSSR symposia (San Diego, 
December 1997 and Las Vegas, November 1999). 
Accomplishment of Commission VII (1996-2000) 
For the years 1996-2000 a new Working Group structure 
was set up as follows: 
WG VII/1 Fundamental Physics and Modelling 
WG VI/2 Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for 
Sustainable Development 
WG VII/3 Application of High Resolution Satellite 
WG VII/4 Automated Image Interpretation and Analysis 
WG VII/5 Global Monitoring 
WG VII/6 Radar Applications 
WG VII/7 . devoted to *Non-renewal resources and geo- 
technical appplications" 
In Vienna, a co-operation between WG VII/5 and WG IV/4 
on large/global dataset management was suggested and 
accepted. Invited Advisory Board members of Commis- 
sion VII served as rapporteurs: 
Sergio Camacho (OOSA, United Nations, AUSTRIA), 
Simonetta Cheli (ESA, FRANCE), Roberto Pereira da 
Cunha (U) and Thelma Krug (INPE, BRAZIL), Ake Rosen- 
qvist (NASDA, JAPAN, later DG JRC SAI) and Charles T. 
Wooldridge (NOAA, USA). 
Dissemination of Commission VII Related Information 
The Internet web-pages of Commission VII were maintained 
by H.Goodenough and Paul Pilon in Victoria, Canada 
(http://www.hegyi.com/isprsc7). Mirrored web-pages can be 
accessed also at the Budapest Technical University, mas- 
tered by Istvan Sandor (http://mhsz.bme.hu/). 
Relevant Workshops and Seminars with Active 
Participation by ISPRS Commission VII 
The actual scientific work of the Technical Commission 
was done in the seven Working Groups. However, some 
activities of the Commission officers are summarised as 
- MERA 92 International Workshop on Soil Degradation 
Assessment with the application of GIS and remote 
sensing. Budapest, September, 1996. Topics: Regional 
crop/land use inventory, Crop yield modelling, Forest 
ecosystem mapping, Land degradation assessment 
and related issues. 
- Jnternational Seminar Series - Land use from research 
to Teaching held at the Agricultural University, Debre- 
cen Hungary December 1996. Topics: land use, rural 
development and land consolidation, use of remote 
sensing, aerial survey for sustainable agriculture. 
Conference “Emerging Global Spatial Data Infrastruc- 
ture” Bonn-Kônigswinter, September, 1996. Organised 
by DDGI, AI, ILI, FIG Com.Ill, EUROGI. ISPRS was rep- 
resented by Commission lll and VII (Prof. Fritsch and 
Remetey-Fülópp respectively) 
ECO-INFORMA'96 Global Network for Environmental 
Information Lake Buena Vista, Florida USA November, 
1996 Organised by ERIM, NOAA-NESDIS, USDE, and 
others. Session Co-chair and lecturer was Dr. V.H. 
Singhroy, Co-chair of ISPRS WG VII/2. 
EURISY Colloquium: Earth Observation and the Envi- 
ronment: Benefits for the Central and Eastern 
European Countries. Budapest, May, 1997 in presence 
of Hubert Curien, Founder president of EURISY, 
chaired by G. Duchossois of ESA, V. Perdigao of DG 
JRC, Gottfied Konecny of IPI/ISPRS, H.Curien of 
EURISY and G. Remetey-Fülópp of ISPRS Commis- 
sion VII. Presentations included land cover project (Gy. 
Büttner), crop monitoring (G. Csornai), European For- 
est Inventory (S. Folving), satellite data for map updat- 
ing (P. Winkler). 
2nd world conference on "Global Spatial Data Infra- 
structure for Sustainable Development" October, 1997, 
Chapel Hill NC, USA 
International Symposium of Spectral 
Research, San Diego, December, 1997 
Inter-commission Workshop was prepared on GIS, Air- 
borne Remote Sensing and Geospatial Data Clearing- 
house in Budapest, February, 1998 by ISPRS Commis- 
sion Ill with direct involvement of President Toni Shenk, 
WG 1lI/3 Co-chair Beata Csathd (Ohio State University, 
Colombus) and Secretary Erzsébet Merényi (Arizona Uni- 
versity, Tucson). Topics included geospatial databases, 
state-of-the-art of tools and methods, including pho- 
togrammetry, remote sensing, airborne geophysics, mul- 
tispectral, hyperspectral sensors and methods, geophys- 
ical and geological interpretation methods, as well as 
multiple sensor integration. 
ISPRS Council Strategic Planning Meeting Silver 
Spring, March 1998. Written contribution based on 
completed questionnaire, sharing the views on ISPRS 
long-range strategic planning. 
On accessibility of remotely sensed data — a vision. 
Edited by Alison Munro of the Space Application Insti- 
tute of the Joint Research Centre and contributed by 
G. Remetey-Fülópp, the document entitled “A strategic 
view of GIS Research and Technology Development for 
Europe", has been published by the European Union. 
The mid-term Symposium of the Commission VII (ECO 
BP'98) on Resources and Environmental Monitoring. 
Budapest, September 1998. The event attracted 196 
registered participants (including many of the ISPRS 
Council members) from 33 countries of 5 continents 
(35 from Hungary). Moreover, 62 invited Hungarian 
senior decision-makers and an additional 59 profes- 
sional visitors attended the open day devoted to com- 
mercial exhibitions and presentations. From the scien- 
tific point of view, ECO BP’98 was a great success. 
Major application areas where novel research and 
technology development methodology were applied 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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