Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

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together with EARSeL SIG “Data Fusion”. The workshop 
was sponsored by the Space Application Institute of JRC 
and the University of Valladolid. The workshop lasted two 
days and there were seven different technical sessions. 
The objectives were: 
- Overview of image, data, information fusion and inte- 
- prerequisites for  fusion/integration: image to 
image/map registration 
- object and image classification 
- fusion of sensor-derived products 
- fusion of variable spatial/spectral resolution images 
- integration of image analysis and GIS 
- applications 
There were provided presentations within the topic of data 
fusion from algorithm developing to applications. There 
were thirty presentations of very high quality. The work- 
shop closed with an intensive discussion on data and sen- 
sor fusion and highlighted needed future developments. 
There was an excellent social programme where the par- 
ticipants from different European countires and the States 
had the opportunity to enjoy the Spanish lifestyle and 
food. The printed publication of the presentations will be 
available soon. The papers and the conclusions are 
already presented on www.datafusion.cma.fr/sig. 
The IUFRO/ISPRS/EARSeL workshop on Remote Sensing 
and Forest Monitoring was held from 1st-3rd June 1999, in 
Rogow, Poland. The Conference was organised under aus- 
pices of the Polish Minister of Environmental Protection, 
Natural Resources and Forestry. The objectives were to: 
- Review the state-of-the-art of remote sensing as a tool 
of forest monitoring and inventory 
- Review the research and application problems of the 
use of remote sensing in forestry 
- Review the present and future remote sensing systems in 
relation to forestry-oriented applications 
- Discuss the recommendations concerning future activ- 
ity of the IUFRO remote sensing society in relation to 
the IUFRO-2000 Congress 
- Produce conference proceedings summarising the use 
of remote sensing in forestry 
À total of 130 people from nineteen countries (America, 
Asia, Australia, Europe) participated the Conference, 
where ISPRS WG VII/4 Chair Prof. Koch delivered a 
keynote speech on the subject “The contribution of 
Remote Sensing for Afforestation and Forest Biodiversity 
Studies”. Another relevant paper on applied photogram- 
metry and remote sensing was delivered by P. Adler and 
B.Koch discussing the subject “Digital Photogrammetry 
for Forest Ecosystem Monitoring”. The conference pro- 
ceedings will be printed by the Joint Research Centre in 
Ispra. Papers and conclusions are available at: 
http://giswitch. sggw.waw.pl/rogow99. 
Under the personal guidance of WG Chair Prof. Koch the 
following fields of interest were investigated in 1999: 
- Monitoring and Assessment of Resources in Europe- 
Forest (MARIE-F) 
- Satellite-based Environmental Monitoring of European 
Forests (SEMEFOR) 
- Model for a monitoring system of the Alps (ALPMON) 
- Thematic mapping using Smart SAR for regional or 
supraregional forest inventory (ZUFORST) 
- 39D Landscape simulation for visual inspection of the 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 
BO rT: ea — 
environmental impact of high-voltage wires 
- Development of a remote sensing-aided area-based 
Agro-informationsystem (AGRO) 
- Intensive observation of forest ecosystems Tree 
Resources Outside the Forest (TROF) 
- Assessing forest stand attributes by integrated use of 
high-resolution satellite imagery and laserscanner 
The results of expert studies and projects have been and 
are to be utilised by supranational institutions (EU, FAO), 
the space industry (Dornier), central government and util- 
ity companies. 
Working Group VII.5 - Global Monitoring in 
Collaboration with WG IV/6 (Global Databases) 
Chair: Dr. Ake Rosengvist DG JRC SAI (Since 
1998) (Former: Dr. Shintaro Goto, Kana 
zawa Institute of Technology, JAPAN) 
Co-Chair: Dr. Mark Imhoff, NASA Goddard Space 
Fllight Center, USA (Since August 1996) 
Secretary: Dr. Shintaro Goto, Kanazawa Institute of 
Technology, JAPAN (Former: Dr. Ake Rosen- 
qvist, NASDA, JAPAN) 
Terms of Reference 
- Identification of the remote sensing data requirements for 
models to support global change studies. 
- Seek affiliations with organisations and programmes 
involved in global change studies such as the 
IGBP/HDP (International Geosphere Biosphere Pro- 
gram/Human Dimension Program) programmes for: 
land use cover change (LUCO); biospheric aspects of 
the hydrological cycle (BAHO); global change and ter- 
restrial ecosystems (GCTE); International global 
change atmospheric chemistry programme (IGAC); 
global terrestrial observing system (GTOS); and global 
ocean observing system (GOOS). 
- Modelling of global change processes from long-term 
data and indicators 
Accomplishments of WG VII/5 
WG VII/5 Chairperson Dr. Goto attended the PORSEC'96 
in Victoria, Canada, from 12nd-17th August 1996 as well 
as the /nternational Geosphere-Biosphere Programme 
BAHC-LUCC Joint Inter-Core Projects Symposium held in 
Kyoto, Japan 
- Organising the session “Current, Waves and Nearshore 
Processes” at the 4th International Conference on 
Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, 
Orlando, USA, 17th-19th March 1997. 
- Organising the “Research on RS and GIS for the Oil 
Spill Disaster” after the Nakhodka oil spill accidents in 
JSPRS. And held two workshop, in Japan. 
- Organising an International Workshop on “ Remote Sens- 
ing and GIS in support of HDP (Human Dimensions Pro- 
gram)", IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria, on 13th June 1997. 
(Attendance: 25 participants from ten countries.) 
The contents of the the workshop and the session were as 
- The examples of the use of RS and GIS assimilation to 
socio-economic model for global environmental 
change were shown. 
- The sensors were classified from the view point of the 
application to global monitoring, especially on the 

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