Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

field data capture and fusion techniques in environmental 
impact assessment, mining-induced environmental prob- 
lems (seismic, landslide, flood hazards, toxic wastes, tail- 
ings and spoiled sediments, soil degradation etc.), risk 
assessments, sensitivity analysis, toxic waste and its 
impact on health (Medical Geology), ecological assess- 
ment of reclamation activities and monitoring of long term 
development in mining areas, groundwater, soil and air 
pollution, mining-induced urbanisation, legal/illegal mining 
and its influence on the ecosystem, acid mine drainage 
and its influence on the surface waters. 
Major activity of the WG VII/7 is planned for the ISPRS 
2000 Congress in Amsterdam, where WG VII/7 is involved 
in TC VII-8, TU11 and WS5. In view of this, little was done 
in organising Symposium/ Workshop/seminars in Europe. 
Instead, the Chairman of the WG VII/7 (also in his capacity 
as Secretary General of the African Association of Remote 
Sensing of the Environment - AARSE) fully participated in 
various meetings and organisations in line with the activi- 
ties of the Working Group. 
- March 1999 - a three day meeting of the organising and 
scientific Committee in Cape Town, South Africa. The 
purpose was to prepare ground for the Cape Town 
2000 Symposium of the 28th International Symposium 
on Remote Sensing of Environment and the 3rd African 
Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment 
(AARSE) on “Information for Sustainable Develop- 
ment”. The Symposium covers several themes and is 
planned for March 27th-31st, 2000. So far, more than 
four hundred abstracts have been received. (For more 
information refer to: http://www.isrse. co.za/). 
- Accra, 21st-25th June 1999. 4th Africa GIS Conference 
and exhibition on “Emergent Africa-GEO-Information 
and Globalisation” organised by the EIS Program, 
OACT, and AARSE in collaboration with the Ministry of 
Environment, Science & Technology and Ministry of 
Lands & Forestry. More than 140 participants attended 
the Conference. 
- Enschede, 11th-13th July, 1999. Second EARSeL 
Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, The Netherlands 
(http://www.itc.nl/is2/). Attended only. 
- Vechta, Germany (October 28th-29th, 1999). Two days 
Workshop on "Integrated Modelling by favourability 
functions", held under the European Union GETS Pro- 
ject in Vechta, Germany. Woldai attended the GETS 
meeting of Team Leaders. Woldai's involvement in this 
meeting as Chairman of CVII/WG7 resulted in both 
financial and participatory support for the TU11 Work- 
shop which will be held in Amsterdam. The EU-GETS 
Project will totally finance all speakers, students, and 
computers for the workshop, Workshop rooms at the 
Free University of Amsterdam, and the publication of 
the papers presented in a book form). 
- Cotonou 6th - 9th December 1999. Conference on 
“Promoting Space Technology Transfer and Geomatics 
Education in Africa”, Cotonou, Benin. The Conference 
dealt with several themes and more than 120 partici- 
pants coming from twenty African and other countries 
attended the conference. The Conference was organ- 
ised by the ISPRS Commission VI, AARSE and CENA- 
TEL (Benin). (http://xerxes.sph.umich.edu:2000/confs 
/benin/). The Proceedings of the Conference are given 
in ISPRS, Volume XXXII, part 6W7, edited by Luigi 
In 1998 (11-15 May), a scientific Symposium on Opera- 
tional Remote Sensing for Sustainable Development was 
held at the International Institute for Aerospace Survey & 
Earth Sciences (ITC), Enschede, in The Netherlands. It was 
organised by the European Association of Remote Sensing 
Laboratories (EARSeL), the Netherlands Society for Earth 
Observation and Geo-informatics (NSEOG) and co-spon- 
sored by  Rijkwaterstaat, Surveying Department, 
ESA/ESTEC and the European Union. At this Symposium, 
the ISPRS Commission VII/7 together with the Geological 
Survey Division of the ITC organised a half day workshop 
on May 14th, 1998 related to remote sensing and GIS for 
non-renewable resources and geotechnical applications. 
An outcome of the papers delivered during this Sympo- 
sium is now published in the International Journal of 
Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol. 1, 
issue, pp.2-78, ITC, The Netherlands (Special Editors: van 
der Meer, F., Molenaar, M., Nieuwenhuis, G., Woldai, T.). 
Working Group Programme for 2000 
Active participation in the 28th International Symposium 
on Remote Sensing of Environment and the 3rd African 
Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment 
(AARSE) on *Information for Sustainable Development", 
Cape Town, March 27th-31rd, 2000. (For more information 
refer to: http://www.isrse.co.za/). 
WG VII/7 is involved in TC VII-8, TU11 and WS5 of the 
ISPRS Congress in Amsterdam. 
! International Council for Science 
Outlook 2000-2004 of Incoming Technical Commission Presidents 
ISPRS Technical Commission | 
Sensors, Platfoms and Imagery 
Incoming President: Stan Morain (USA) 
Incoming Secretary: Amy Budge (USA) 
Outlook by Incoming President 
The United States has not hosted Commission | since 
Dr. M.B. Scher was President between 1968 and 1972. 
In those days, the Commission was responsible for 
issues related to aerial photography and navigation. His 
Commission ended the very year and month that Land- 
sat-1 inaugurated the satellite era for civilian Earth 
observations. Today, Commission-| focuses on sensors 
(cameras and scanners), platforms (airborne and space- 
borne) and imagery (both film and raster-based). The 
mid-Congress symposium in 2002 will mark the 30th 
anniversary of the Landsat Program, and the United 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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