Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

WG IIl/4 Automated Object Extraction 
Chair: Helmut Mayer (Germany) 
Co-Chair: James Bethel (USA) 
WG 11/4 Terms of Reference 
- Segmentation and aggregation/grouping of image features 
based on classification and computer vision approaches 
-  3-D object extraction and image/scene understanding, 
(in collaboration with WG 111/2) 
- Knowledge representation and manipulation, control 
structures, management of uncertainty, and learning, 
i.e., automatic model generation 
- Geometric, semantic and temporal modelling of man- 
made and natural objects including their relations in 
satellite, aerial and close-range imagery 
- Utilisation of prior knowledge, especially in the form of 
CAD models, GIS, or results from digital surface model 
- Performance evaluation (quality control, test proce- 
dures) (in collaboration with WGs III/7 and 11/8) 
- Liaise with the Computer Vision community 
WG lIl/5 Algorithms for Industrial Vision 
Chair: Carsten Steger (Germany) 
Co-Chair: Stefan Scherer (Austria) 
WG 11/5 Terms of Reference 
- (Calibration: Off-line versus on-line, geometric versus 
radiometric calibration; active versus passive systems, 
non-stereo and shape-from-X techniques 
- Reconstruction: real-time versus non-real time, 2-D 
versus 2.5-D versus 3-D 
- Recognition: object-centred versus viewer-centred, 
quantitative versus qualitative 
-  Model- and appearance based inspection 
-  Micro-surfaces: sensor models, active image acquisi- 
tion, microscopic shape-from-X 
- Performance and reliability: assessment of the investi- 
gated industrial vision algorithms, in collaboration with 
WG 1II/8 and WG V/1 
WG IIl/6 Multi-source Vision 
Chair: Olaf Hellwich (Germany) 
Co-Chair: Beata Csatho (USA) 
WG IIl/6 Terms of Reference 
- Information fusion from multi-resolution multi-source 
data such as SAR, multi-spectral, hyper-spectral, 
panchromatic and laser scanner data 
- Modelling of uncertainty in multi-source computer vision 
- Using additional knowledge sources, such as GIS, to 
support object extraction 
- Evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of multi- 
source information fusion 
WG 11/7 Modelling Large Scale Urban Environments 
Chair: David M. McKeown, Jr. (USA) 
Co-Chair: Seth Teller (USA) 
WG 11/7 Terms of Reference 
- Integrated/simultaneous analysis of terrestrial and aer- 
ial imagery for urban model and texture extraction 
- Automated generation of urban models with level-of- 
detail and inferred attribution 
- Merging of information from remotely sensed imagery, tradi- 
tional cartographic products, CAD models, and urban GIS 
- Techniques for integration of GPS, automated image 
matching, and interactive construction of virtual envi- 
- Photo-realistic rendering for a moving user 
- Optical tracking and navigation for augmented reality 
WG IIl/8 Reliability and Performance of Algorithms 
Chair: Nicolas Paparoditis (France) 
WG IIl/8 Terms of Reference 
- Data set: B&W and colour mages, various stereo over- 
laps, airborne laser and INSAR reference data 
- Digital airborne data source: test data sets 
- Reference terrain models and digital map data 
- Simulation: data sets for optical, SAR and laser 
sources for parameter tuning of algorithms 
- Specifications: rules for the validation of algorithms 
and the tuning of algorithm parameters 
- New quality criteria: surface shape rendering with dis- 
continuities, slope breaks, surface roughness, quality 
versus compression rates of DSM triangulation tech- 
niques (in collaboration with WGs IIl/2 and III/7) 
- Accuracy versus robustness: definition, evaluation and 
- Establishment of evaluation protocols and organisation 
of international algorithm comparisons. 
Plans of Commission lll 
WGIII/6 will be holding sessions at the IEEE/IGARSS 2001 
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Sympo- 
sium in Sydney, Australia in June and is also organising a 
IEEE/ISPRS Joint Workshop on Remote Sensing and Data 
Fusion Over Urban Areas in Rome in November 2001. 
ISPRS Technical Commission IV 
Spatial Information Systems and Digital Mapping 
Incoming President: 
Incoming Secretary: 
Costas Armenakis (Canada) 
Yuk-Cheung Lee, Scientific (Canada) 
Francine Cusson, Administrative 
Outlook by Incoming President 
The ISPRS Commission IV on Spatial Information Systems 
and Digital Mapping covers a wide spectrum of scientific, 
technical and application fields. During 1996-2000, under the 
successful presidency of Prof. Dr. Dieter Fritsch of Germany, 
Commission IV has evolved to emphasise the need for inves- 
tigating the spatial information systems and databases the- 
ory, modelling, development and applications. We intend to 
continue and expand these efforts by stimulating further 
activities towards the integration of remotely sensed imagery 
in spatial information systems. 
The theme of the Commission will be ‘New Solutions for 
Spatial Understanding'. 
The temporal and dynamic aspects of geo-data, spatial 
databases, modelling and analysis will continue as active 
research areas. Interest in the fourth dimension facilitates the 
understanding of the evolution of spatial elements. Research 
will be oriented towards the determination and representa- 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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