Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

‘ISPRS daily’ - Regular Reporting on Compressed Congress 
by Cees A. Jongepier, Netherlands Remote Sensing Board (BCRS) 
Four years ago the ‘Speaking Tube' was the XVIIIth con- 
gress’ successful communication medium. But apparently 
at a price! 
Lucky Strike 
The name was a lucky strike! After four years it was still the 
envy of the next team of editors to rise to the occasion. Yet 
in retrospect one wonders if not there and then extra effort 
was required for all and sundry to finally rise to such suc- 
cess? For, does not the sound of a speaking tube tend to 
Dal I, RW 
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ares ally on ISPRS 2000 Amsterdam - Sud MO aa 1817 July 200 2000 - Ne 1 
Welcome word of the Organisation 
Dear Congress Participants, Congress is not less than the previous one. usefulness and affordability of geoin- 
However we have made some changes in the formation in the years to come. 
Welcome in Amsterdam, the Congress, the à By having these presentations during 
one being the shortening of the length of the Session of our Congress, | am sure that 
Four years went by very quickly since the Congress from two weeks to one week. A this will a good 
Netherlands Society for Ih Observation and Congress has the that everyone Will bo — mate purpose and application of our sciences in 
leolrformatics (NSEOG) In Vienna was given the — there at the same time, which Is In particular of problem song under different 
to Cony interest to the exhibitors who usually have only one conditions, during the following days when we split 
up in smaller groups of a mora specialized nature. 
itted to its mandate. We 
many fret pacs ct vor ar sanum 
ime witnessing a other 
Society of which the Late of very Their eld ie satiny 8 rentre panne profes: 
diverse sionals from application which are rather 
- new for ISPRS. These involve animation and virtu- 
al reality, in addition to the many close range su 
Caine Of pros rey ee Ed 
to archeology. 
to seeing tham this week again In Amsterdam. . Can our new Information 
The question arises with all this networking # we | contribute to quick solutions for less developed 
are going lo these big congresses at all in the intries by" leapfrogging" some of the Finally, | want to express my gratitude for the gen- 
future? Should we start thinking of which the richer countries were already able to of our sponsors, public and private, 
ings? So far people seem fo that we eliminate at a considerable which enabled us to keep the Congress fee at a 
need to meet in person , at least the interest for our ^ spatial/geo has a crucial role to play in nable to support the 
1am very glad th 
1 look forward to meeting many of you during the 
coming week. With also the social programme and 
the technical tours, it will be a busy week. If after all 
one week proves lo be too short , the next 
welcome to change | 
interna- Spein or Turkey? 
360 million US dollars par year to contribute to — Klaas Jan Beek, ISPRIS Congress Director. 
food security, particular the security of the 
Partnership and the World Commission on | Corus | 
Water for the 21st Century and therefore very | 
Ve M Cur Can and a Opening Ceremony page 3 | 
im action, we have during the Opening Plenary | SPAS 2000 Extiition pages | 
| Session three very qualified speakers from our | Social Programme page3 | 
own (it to comment on the | Prnt | 
ng Spm m Co | Printing On Demand page 3 | 
Space Research Organization (ISRO), Jack Tha Candidates for the Next Congress — pages | 
Dangermond, the president of ESRI and He | 
ga | head oh fü Na | In the Spotlight of the Congess page 5 | 
| 9 S | Programme of the Day pages | 
| "S will look from their professional angles at | | 
Kiaas Jan Book issues of avalabilhy, accessibiy benaft, under. 49 Resolution images rom Space pages | 
ISPRS dally - XUX* Congress - Sunday/Mondey 18/17 July Page 1 
bridge only the shorter distance? And (metaphorically), does 
not the very name suggest a prior mustering of relative 
strength? For, indeed, does it not require an initial blowing of 
a whistle, part of the device, to allow the feeble tone to 
arouse attention? To let the subsequently transmitted mes- 
sage also be enjoyed at the receiving end by those hard of 
hearing? The 'Proceedings and Results, Part A, of the XVII- 
Ith ISPRS Congress' endorses this view, lifting up a tip of the 
veil revealing further hardships where it reads: ‘Life was very 
hard for the ISPRS Speaking Tube staff’. At eight in the 
morning, having finished the distribution of the actual 
issues, the members had to attend the editing conference’. 
The same paragraph ends: ‘Normally the work was finished 
at midnight with the delivery of the digital dataset to the 
printing shop’. Sadly enough, it all boiled down to a relent- 
less strain which had to be endured all through the ten days 
it took the congress to draw to an end. But this all eventu- 
ally and gloriously led to the splendid performance men- 
tioned before. Four years later, building on tradition and the 
inheritance of the predecessors, the XIXth congress com- 
municated through a medium which was prosaically called 
the ‘ISPRS daily’. It is obvious that this name had nothing to 
do with vibrations, let alone sound waves. It, however, 
demonstrated a self evident rhythm in its own right, at the 
same time imposing the obligation to be available 'at the 
crack of dawn'. Moreover, 'daily' has a certain ring and is 
supposed to be a household word for sterling character. 
Too Cosy 
So, on the face of it the 'ISPRS daily' was meant to be pro- 
duced rather smoothly, owing to heavily leaning on techni- 
cal merits the fruit of digital developments in the interme- 
diate four years. Still, a closer look would have brought to 
light a reasonable yet manageable stress amongst the edi- 
tors. Feeling a bit uneasy in the new team and their lodg- 
ings, they still set ardently out to arrive at the speedy com- 
munication of the congress highlights, the attractive 
advertisement offers and the programme planning. Not to 
be bothered with mandatory editing conferences was a 
...and we're off...! Welcome Reception Royal Reception on the Red Carpet Impressions of the Show 
arto te Jor merum Successful Starti ee Ne TE A rl OS a MONA, ah amd 
foam, and a nerve racking nedk and neck moe with son. 1 missed $e de he wonder? f. fhe opening sention, 1 have been, ported not 
fest #4 % Kane Jan Donk a8 congrous dractor ar. Try rotto aimosçhers of fro welcome mespion. "me oparín, which was seid io be parommad by — week. Ybur coinic^, fo De more predi, your vies 
on Sunday evening Sou putantes (ra quo. 
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International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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