Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

di ee ES a 
real boon. On the whole, indeed, ample time could be 
saved, skipping the conference entertainment and thus 
missing all the excitement and the fun to deliver, after a 
good night's rest, spruce and cheerful, at eight on the dot 
the fresh circulation to pigeon-holes and other appropriate 
places. To swarm out into the bright new day, to cover the 
news, do their interviews and to finally ‘drop their lines’. 
The DTP studio specially built to facilitate production and 
accommodate the editors, seemed, as it turned out, how- 
ever, far too cosy. ‘Much milling about’ by many an 
(un)invited visitor and a bee-like buzzing caused the edi- 
tors downright distress. It, moreover, encroached on the 
sparse supply of oxygen in the already fairly airless con- 
finement. At the same time, it distracted many a gifted 
author, disturbing his concentration, hampering poetic 
licence and at the same time jeopardising the required 
speedy delivery of articles. Soon, however, all reporters 
adjusted to these minor set-backs! Fortunately, this ‘strain’ 
was limited to a mere eight days, owing to the new formula 
of the ‘compressed’ character of this conference. 
GITC committed itself to the production of seven issues 
of the ISPRS daily and all other official ISPRS publica- 
tions. GITC is an international publishing house with 
almost fifteen years of experience in providing informa- 
tion at the right level. Their collection comprises publica- 
tions like: GIM International, Hydro International, Profes- 
sional Surveyor, Surveying World, ISPRS Highlights, 
Remote Sensing Nieuwsbrief, Engineering Surveying 
Showcase, Geo Media, The International Hydrographic 
Review and the EARSeL Newsletter. 
Production specifications were: 
Total number of issues to be published seven. The print- 
run would be 2,500, the format folio, the size eight pages, 
including cover and finally the printing full-colour offset. 
The daily Staff 
The staff of the 'daily' was composed of: 
- Marc Cheves, Editor of Professional Surveying Maga- 
zine. The number one Land Surveying and GIS maga- 
zine in the USA, owned by GITC bv; 
- Stephen Booth, Editor of Surveying World, the quality 
journal for the geomatics industry in the UK; 
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SPRS President E 
- Wim Feringa, Photo Editor (ITC); 
- Jan Hein Loedeman, (Wageningen University, GITC); 
- Mathias Lemmens, (Delft University, GITC); 
- Lucas Janssen, Editor of EARSeL Newsletter and 
Highlights (ITC, GITC); 
- Cees A. Jongepier, Netherlands Remote Sensing 
Board (BCRS); 
- René Oomen, Layout Editor (GITC); 
- Trea Hofma, Editorial Co-ordinator (GITC); 
- Floris Siteur, Publication Director (GITC); 
- Jan Piet Broersma, Marketing Manager (GITC); 
- Johan Boesjes, Publisher (GITC); 
Some weeks before the actual congress took place the 
editorial schedule for the seven issues had been put 
together. Authors were invited to write articles and com- 
panies were able to supply their latest press releases. 
Also, at GITC advertising space for ‘the dailies’ was sold 
in order to make the operation remunerative. 
For efficiency’s sake, the first issue of ‘the daily’ was 
printed as a regular magazine. This allowed the printers to 
take their time in producing the first edition to be distrib- 
uted on the first day of the congress. The second through 
to the seventh edition were printed overnight. During the 
day the team of editors, photographers and proof-readers 
were busy compiling the latest news to be included in ‘the 
daily’ concerned. In the afternoon, the layout of ‘the daily’ 
was begun and had to be ready by 19.00 hours in order to 
be digitally sent to the printers. The use of electronic cam- 
eras proved to be essential. In some cases it took less than 
five minutes for the required picture to be delivered. Once 
the electronic files were sent there could be (some) rest. 
Though not all were thus rewarded for a hard day’s piece 
of honest work. Some editors were indefatigable and on 
their way or on the spot, later on wrote up their eye witness 
reports on many a social event so richly provided by the 
programme. At six each morning the fresh edition of ‘the 
daily’ was picked up at the printers and shipped to Am- 
sterdam RAI to be distributed at various locations. 
Principally during the first night, the bad telephone line 
connecting the RAI building and the printer facility 
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International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. — 

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