Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Congress venue RAI, Amsterdam 
ing different data sources and merging them with existing 
topographic and elevation databases. 
Wide Spectrum of Sensors 
The huge need for geo-information has also resulted in the 
emergence of a wide spectrum of airborne and space- 
borne sensors. Direct recording of airborne imagery in dig- 
ital format for high accuracy applications has long been 
awaited. Today, it seems that we have finally arrived at this 
point. The leading photogrammetric companies, Z/I Imag- 
ing and LH Systems, have both put much 
the photogrammetric process, we are stepping into an era 
in which sensor technology is clearly moving into its zenith. 
Entering the exhibition hall, it was not directly obvious that 
photogrammetric products were on display. Any type of 
show in the field of information and communication tech- 
nology could have covered the floor. This is not at all a 
negative indication. On the contrary, the way has been 
paved for photogrammetry and remote sensing to become 
effort into developing high accuracy digital 
cameras. The design principles of the two 
resulting cameras are quite different. Recent 
issues of GIM International provide much 
information about these cameras, together 
with the pros and cons of the two underly- 
ing design principles. In many technical 
sessions the capabilities of these new sen- 
sors were discussed. Other new types of 
sensors that affect the appearance of the 
profession are: 
- High-resolution satellite imagery 
- LIDARS, enabling, amongst other things, 
automatic DEM generation 
- SAR imagery 
- |nSAR for DEM generation 
In addition, the direct geo-referencing of data 
produced by airborne sensors by using inte- 
grated GPS and INS equipment is an impor- 
tant achievement of the last decade. One of 
the leading companies in this field, Applanix, 
demonstrated its activities. With the broad 
variety of initiatives at the acquisition end of 
In 2004, Istanbul will be the venue of the meeting and the new congress 
director is Prof, Dr. M. Orhan Altan 
Naturally a meeting place 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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