Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

part of mainstream ICT, expressing the fact that the theme 
of the Congress ‘Geo-information for all’ is not an empty 
phrase but a real actuality. 
At the show it was the data acquisition part of the pho- 
togrammetric process that was clearly in the spotlight. 
Near the entrance, both Z/I Imaging and LH Systems 
demonstrated their newly developed digital cameras. Also 
the major providers of satellite imagery, including Spot 
Image, Space Imaging and Orbimage, were present. The 
diffusion of boundaries between photogrammetry, remote 
sensing and GIS was made apparent by the presence of 
one of the largest GIS manufacturers in the world, ESRI. 
Jack Dangermond, founder and president of ESRI, had 
come all the way from Redlands, California, to be present 
at the Congress and to visit the land of his ancestors. Ven- 
dors from all over the world demonstrated their software 
and instrumental tools to extract information from imagery. 
Besides commercial firms, universities and other non- 
profit organisations also displayed their activities. The 
exhibition floor was completely sold out. 
Sessions and Posters 
In my opinion, it was a good decision by the organisers 
to restrict the event to just one, although very long, 
= EE 
week. Also the limited amount of parallel sessions was a 
fortuitous choice. Although in this way only a restricted 
number of oral presentations could be scheduled, the 
large number of poster sessions, during which one was 
able to intensively discuss interesting themes with 
authors, compensated for many of the drawbacks. Both 
the oral and poster presentations were well attended. 
Final Remarks 
The proceedings of this congress are distributed both on 
CD ROM (two CDs) and in paper format, spread over 14 
(fourteen!) books. Three competitors battled to be 
organisers of the next Congress in 2004: Spain, China 
and Turkey. During a meeting of the General Assembly 
on Tuesday 17th July, Turkey won the competition. In 
2004, Istanbul will be the venue for the meeting and the 
new congress director is Prof. Dr M. Orhan Altan. 
Article reproduced from GIM International and with consent of 
Exhibitors Showcases 
(Extraction from Brochure) 
Exhibitor Showcases Schedule — Forum Hall 
17^ JULY 18% JULY 
Time slots 
13.00 - 13.40 Not available LH SYSTEMS 
13.50 — 14.30 CGR ESRI 
14.40 - 15.20 ERDAS Not available 
15.30 - 16.10 Z/\ IMAGING Not available 
16.20-17.00 ^ LHSYSTEMS Notavaiable - 
(1710-1750  Notavalable Not available _ 
19" JULY 20° JULY 21* JULY 
ERDAS Not available Not available 
CGR Not available Not available 
Not available 
' Not available 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. — mm 241 

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