Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Be among the first to see this ground-breaking Windows- 
based stereo feature extraction system. Stereo Analyst 
provides automated tools for the accurate collection, inter- 
pretation and visualisation of 3D geographic information 
from stereo imagery. When compared with traditional data 
collection techniques, Stereo Analyst saves users signifi- 
cant amounts of time and money and enables the collec- 
tion of true real-world 3D geographic information in one 
simple step. Designed to run as a stand-alone product, 
Stereo Analyst can also be easily integrated into ERDAS 
IMAGINE and ArcView GIS workflows. 
15.30 - 16.10 hours 
Compagnia Generale Ripreseaeree s.p.a (CGR) 
“Innovative Techniques of Terrain Analysis” by Mr. Gio- 
vanni Banchini (Commercial Dept.) 
In more than thirty years of intense activity and presence in 
Europe and in Africa, the Compagnia Generale Ripreseaeree 
has become the leader in Italy in aerial photography, remote 
sensing and in analytical and digital cartography. In so doing, 
it has brought to market innovative products such as the dig- 
ital colour orthophoto coverage of Italy known as the 
"it2000" program. 
16.20 - 17.00 hours 
Redefining Aerial Surveying with Integrated Inertial/GPS 
Speakers: Dr. Blake Reid, President, Applanix Corp, Canada; 
Erik Lithopoulos, Manager Business Development, Applanix 
Corp., Canada; 
Joe Hutton, Product Manager Airborne Applications, 
Applanix Corp., Canada. 
A description of the Applanix Integrated Inertial/GPS 
POS/AVTM products, and how they truly are redefining the 
way airborne surveying is done: LIDAR, Digital Pushbroom 
Scanners, Digital Frame Cameras, Hyperspectral Scanners, 
SAR, Analog Frame Cameras. 
An introduction to the latest addition to the POS/AV product 
line: the low-cost POS/AV 210. 
Introducing POSPAC 3.0 with Inertial/GPS Integrated Ambi- 
guity Resolution (IARTM): making the flying of flat turns dur- 
ing surveys obsolete. 
17.10-77.50 hours 
Based on brand-new procedures, Delphi2 has developed 
the software eCognition for object-oriented image analy- 
sis. It is particularly suited for the analysis of VHR- or radar 
data, allows extensive data fusion and handles even com- 
plex tasks. eCognition provides a multitude of new possi- 
bilities for image analysis and integration of RS and GIS. 
Thursday 20" July 
13.00 - 13.40 hours 
GIS-Data acquisition solution for desktop and penpad 
Author: Robert Schoech, Leica Geosystems AG. 
FieldLink is a data acquisition and management program for 
professional surveying and engineering applications running 
on Microsoft Windows. The system saves data in ESRI 
Shapefile format. Tailorable forms are used for adding or 
visualising thematic data. Connect any Leica Geosystems 
TPS, GPS or Vector instrument for acquiring position data. 
GPS/GIS with Leica GS50 
Superior Morphology and Performance 
Author: Christian Schorr, Leica Geosystems AG. 
Leica Geosystems GS50 allows the measurement of 
DGPS positions in real-time with a 40cm accuracy rms. It 
can be upgraded even to survey-grade cm accuracy. The 
receiver is able to perform its measurements under dense 
foliage, even in the forest or in an urban environment, 
using Leica's patented ClearTrak™ technology. The corre- 
sponding GIS DataPROTM office suite stores the GS50 
data as native ESRI Shapefiles automatically. The way- 
points guarantee a full two-way data flow between the 
sensor and the office suite. 
13.50 - 14.30 hours 
Introducing ERDAS Stereo Analyst: Pioneering the Future 
of 3D Geographic Imaging, by Mladen Stojic, Photogram- 
metric Product Manager, US. 
Be among the first to see this ground-breaking Windows- 
based stereo feature extraction system. Stereo Analyst 
provides automated tools for the accurate collection, 
interpretation and visualisation of 3D geographic infor- 
mation from stereo imagery. When compared with tradi- 
tional data collection techniques, Stereo Analyst saves 
users significant amounts of time and money and 
enables the collection of true real-world 3D geographic 
information in one simple step. Designed to run as a 
stand-alone product, Stereo Analyst can also be easily 
integrated into ERDAS IMAGINE and ArcView GIS work- 
Friday 21* July 
13.00 - 13.40 hours 
Mr. Frank Holsmuller, Regional Marketing Manager EMEA, 
ESRI-Europe, the Netherlands. 
'ESRI's new product offering' 
With products like ArcInfo 8 and ArcIMS, ESRI is entering a 
new era in its existence. Openness and one product-wide 
architecture are the key elements. An overview and demon- 
13.50 - 14.30 hours 
Introducing ERDAS Stereo Analyst: Pioneering the Future 
of 3D Geographic Imaging, by Mladen Stojic, Photogram- 
metric Product Manager, US. 
Be among the first to see this ground-breaking Windows- 
based stereo feature extraction system. Stereo Analyst 
provides automated tools for the accurate collection, 
interpretation and visualisation of 3D geographic informa- 
tion from stereo imagery. When compared with traditional 
data collection techniques, Stereo Analyst saves users 
significant amounts of time and money and enables the 
collection of true real-world 3D geographic information in 
one simple step. Designed to run as a stand-alone prod- 
uct, Stereo Analyst can also be easily integrated into 
ERDAS IMAGINE and ArcView GIS workflows. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 

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