Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

The European Space Agency (ESA) 
ESA Head Office 
8,10 rue Mario Nikis 
Via Galileo Galilei snc 
F-75738 Paris, Cedex 15 
Website: www.esrin.esa.it 
Stand number: 170 
ESA is a European intergovernmental organisation. The fif- 
teen* Member States participate in programmes, including 
Earth Observation, Telecommunication, satellite navigation, 
launcher development, manned space flight, and research in 
microgravity environment. 
ESA is defining and coordinating a new space strategy 
based on the pursuit of scientific knowledge, enhancing 
quality of life, successful European co-operation and global 
market competition to promote European Industry. 
ESA’ future “Living Planet” strategy for the new millennium 
involves two types of Earth observation mission: Scientific 
research missions - Earth Explorer, and application mission 
for dedicated user needs - Earth watch. 
(*) An agreement with Portugal has been signed and will 
come into effect by July 2000. 
ESPA Systems Ltd. 
Tekniikantie 12 
FIN-02150 Espoo 
Tel.: +358-9-2517-3466 
Email: espa@espasystems fi 
Website: | www.espasystems.fi 
Stand number: 420 
ESPA Systems Ltd. is a software company that focuses on 
digital aerial photogrammetry, developing applications that 
enable efficient utilisation of digital aerial images. ESPA 
software includes five packages: EspaKernel, EspaBlock, 
EspaOrtho, EspaGate and EspaCity. ESPA software offers 
a direct 3-D data flow to AutoCAD, Microstation and 
Smallworld environments. 
380 New York Street 
Redlands, CA 92373 
Tel.: 1-909-793-2853 
Fax: 1-909-793-5953 
Email: Info@esri.com 
Website: www.esri.com 
Stand number: 622 
With annual sales of more than $340 million, ESRI 
remains the world leader in the GIS software industry. 
Our business involves the development and support of 
GIS software for all types of organisations—from the one- 
person office to multinational corporations to innovative 
Internet GIS solutions. Products: Arclnfo, ArcView, 
ArcIMS, ArcSDE. 
FH Bielefeld 
University of Applied Sciences 
Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering 
Artilleriestrasse 9 
D-32427 Minden 
Email: gpomaska@fhzinfo.fh-bielefeld.de 
Website: | www.imagefact.de 
Stand: D 
Close-range photogrammetry in cultural heritage preservation 
with respect to modern technology like digital imaging, 3D 
modelling and scene description as applied to the reconstruc- 
tion of the appearance of Schloss Herborn is shown. The loca- 
tion of the castle can be detected in a VRML description of the 
city. Software packages for photogrammetric evaluation, mod- 
elling and description of 3D worlds will be presented. 
Finnish Society of Photogrammetry and Remote 
Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
P.O. Box 1200 
FIN-02015 Hut- Espoo 
Stand: R 
FoMos PLC 
47, Leningradsky Prospekt 
Moscow, 125167 
Tel.: +7-95-157-7264 
Fax: +7-501-198-7709 
Email: fomos.ru@g23.relcom.ru 
Website: www.fomos.ru 
Stand number: 590 
Manufacturing and scientific association FoMos Public Lim- 
ited Company is the Russian enterprise dealing with the 
development and manufacture of high-quality photographic 
materials and chemicals. It presents on exhibition high qual- 
ity black & white, false colour and colour aerial films for day 
and night photography from various altitudes and from 
space, as well as the chemistry for their processing. 
GeoCam GmbH 
Stand number: 140 
Co-exhibitor of ISTAR 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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