Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

ICC- Institut Cartografic de Catalunya 
Parc de Montjuic 
ESP-08038 Barcelona 
Tel.: +34-93-567-15-00 
Fax: +34-93-567-15-67 
Email: scanas@icc.es 
Website: | www.icc.es 
Stand number: 570 
The main objective of the Institut Cartografic de Catalunya 
(ICC) is to carry out the necessary technical work required for 
the development and production of cartographic, geological 
and geophysical information, and programmes for the devel- 
opment and preparation of thematic cartography for the eval- 
uation of available resources and environmental problems. 
IGI - Ingenieur-Gesellschaft für Interfaces mbH 
Langenauerstrasse 46 
D-57223 Kreuztal 
Stand number: 180 
IGI is specialised in the design and development of guid- 
ance, positioning and sensor management systems for 
aerial flight missions. These systems are based on GPS or 
DGPS positioning, together with aircraft Directional Gyro 
information. The main products are Standard CCNSA, 
AEROcontrol, WinMP, AEROoffice. 
INPE - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 
Av. dos Astronautas, 1758 - Jardim da Granja 
12.227-010 - Sáo José dos Campos - SP 
Tel.: +55-12-345-6029 
Fax: +55-12-341-2077 
Website: www.inpe.br 
Stand number: 515 
The Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), a 
governmental civilian organisation, develops research in 
Space and Atmospheric Sciences, Remote Sensing, 
Meteorology and Space Technology and Engineering. 
INPE also provides numerical weather and climate predic- 
tion products on an operational basis and develops space 
systems. Many of these activities are done in co-operation 
with international organisations. 
Smaragdweg 1 
D-70174 Stuttgart 
Tel.: +49-711-228810 
Fax: +49-711-2288111 
Email: inpho@inpho.de 
Website: | www.inpho.de 
Stand number: 445 
252— — 
Inpho offers world-wide leading technologies and prod- 
ucts in digital photogrammetry, sensor orientation and dig- 
ital terrain modelling. The well-known products MATCH- 
AT, MATCH-T, OrthoVista and SCOP are the basis of 
Inpho's new complete production system. All processes, 
from aerial triangulation to orthophoto mosaicking, are 
fully automated. Efficient tools for analysis and stereo-edit- 
ing of AT and DTMs are available. 
Intermap Technologies Corporation 
2 Gurdwara Road, Suite 200 
Ottawa, K2E 1A2 
Tel.: +1-61- 226-5442 
Fax: +1-613-226-5529 
Email: info@intermaptechnologies.com 
Website: www.intermaptechnolgies.com 
Stand number: 130 
Intermap Technologies is a multi-national digital mapping 
company focused on providing Digital Elevation Models 
(DEMs), Ortho-Rectified Imagery (ORIs) and thematic 
map products to a wide range of private and public sec- 
tor markets. A key component of Intermap's success is 
its STAR-3i interferometric radar mapping system that 
generates high accuracy DEMs and high resolution ORIs 
simultaneously. STAR-3i is a technological breakthrough 
in the mapping industry. 
International Cartographic Association - ICA 
P.O. Box 80115 
NL-3508 TC Utrecht 
The Netherlands 
Tel.: +31-30-2540604 
Fax: +31-30-2531385 
Email: f.ormeling@geog.uu.nl 
Website: | www.icaci.org 
Stand: | 
ICA is the world authoritative body for cartography, the 
discipline dealing with conceiving, producing, disseminat- 
ing and studying maps. Its mission is to promote the dis- 
cipline and profession of cartography in international con- 
texts. It works together with (inter)national governmental 
and commercial bodies and other international scientific 
societies to achieve these aims. 
International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth 
Sciences - ITC 
Hengelosestraat 99 
PO. Box 6 
NL-7500 AA Enschede 
The Netherlands 
Tel.: +31-53-4874-444 
Fax: +31-53-4874-400 
Email: prGitc.nl 
Website: |. www.itc.nl 
Stand: S 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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