Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

NESS Technologies — Telecom and Systems Group 
P.O. Box 58180 
Tel-Aviv 61581 
Tel.: +972-3-5483514 
Fax: +972-3-6499990 
Email: real-timeQatl.co.il 
Website: | www.atl.co.il 
Stand number: 300 
NESS Technologies -TSG, formerly ATL, will be exhibiting 
their latest military photography intelligence system, 
MPHIS, which was developed for modern Air Forces which 
require accurate photographic intelligence aids for mission 
planning, operational command and control, 3-D mission 
rehearsal and pilot target identification. MPHIS is a fully 
computerised system for processing, storing, retrieving, and 
disseminating military photographic intelligence material. 
Arthur Street 
Leicestershire, LE9 8GZ 
United Kingdom 
Tel.: +44-385-735981 
Fax: +44-1455-841785 
Email: j.murtagh@nrsc.co.uk 
Website: | www.nrsc.co.uk 
Stand number: 165 
NRSC is the UK's leading supplier of Earth Observation 
Data. Using satellite and airborne imagery NRSC provides 
a wide range of products and consultation services, and 
has a unique capability for producing high-resolution map 
accurate digital datasets. NRSC is constantly developing 
its technological capabilities in order to meet the growing 
needs of its international client base. 
Netherlands Remote Sensing Board (BCRS) 
Kanaalweg 4 
PO. Box 5023 
NL-2600 GA Delft 
The Netherlands 
Tel.: +31-15-2691111 
Fax: +31-15-2618962 
Email: p.b.bers@mdi.rws.minvenw.nl 
Website: www.minvenw.nl/rws/mdi/bers 
Stand number: 450 
The Netherlands Remote Sensing Board (BCRS) stimu- 
lates the use of remote sensing applications by govern- 
ment and private sector. With financial support, several 
organisations have executed projects in the field of mete- 
orology and oceanography, tidal and inland waters, land- 
use planning, agriculture and forestry, nature management 
and climate and environmental research. 
Netherlands Agency for Aerospace Programmes 
Kluyverweg 1 
NL-2629 HS Delft 
The Netherlands 
Tel.: +31-15-278-8025 
Fax: +31-15-262-3096 
Email: info@nivr.nl 
Stand number: T 
NIVR, founded in 1946, is a semi-governmental organisa- 
tion to promote aerospace activities in the Netherlands. 
NIVR advises the Dutch government on policy aspects, in 
particular on aircraft and space development programmes. 
It initiates and monitors national aerospace research, 
technology and development projects. NIVR acts as a 
national space agency and it participates in the space 
consultation process. NIVR provides delegates for the 
Dutch delegation to the ESA council, boards and commit- 
tees, and to the Eumetsat council and groups. 
European Organisation for Experimental Photogram- 
metric Research (OEEPE) 
P.O. Box 6 
NL-7500 AA Enschede 
The Netherlands 
Tel.: +31-53-4874339 
Fax: +31-53-4874335 
Email: paresiGitc.nl 
Website: | www.oeepe.org 
Stand: K 
The OEEPE is the European research platform for 
National Mapping Agencies (NMAs), academic Institu- 
tions, private sector, industry and user's groups, on 
issues related to the implementation of technology devel- 
opments in view of optimising the provision (collection, 
processing, storage, maintenance, visualisation, dissem- 
ination and use) of core data (data serving as a spatial 
framework for organisations involved in monitoring, man- 
agement and development) in a Geoinformation Infra- 
structure (Gll) context. 
PO.Box 113 
NL-2260 AC Leidschendam 
The Netherlands 
Tel.: +31-70-3170900 
Fax: +31-70-3170919 
Email: dgps@omnistar.nl 
Website: www.omnistar.nl 
Stand number: 250 
OmniSTAR BV is the world's market leader in the provision 
of satellite-delivered Differential GPS corrections and the 
design and development of Differential GPS technology. 
OmniSTAR services and products are currently used for 
highly accurate, real-time positioning in the agriculture, 
GIS, aviation, mining and civil engineering industries. 
Co-exhibitor of Kadaster 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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