Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Address of Outgoing President - 
by Lawrence W. Fritz, President ISPRS 
Distinguished Participants in the XIX ISPRS Congress, 
Ladies and Gentlemen: 
Four years ago, EI accepted the responsibility to 
serve as President and this gold chain of office was place 
on my shoulders, | pledged to conscientiously perform 
the duties to the best of my ability. Wearing this heavy 
chain of office reminds me of the heavy responsibilities 
that come with the office. As ISPRS's 18th President, | 
have found that the human interactions and public rela- 
tions of the office are the true essence of the position. 
The Society has a great tradition and heritage, with ambi- 
tious goals which have been epitomized by the great per- 
sonalities such as Dolezal, Schermerhorn and Doyle, and 
more recently by my mentors, Konecny, Torlegard and 
Murai. This history makes one humble to follow in their 
footsteps and proud to help continue the advancement 
of the goals of the Society. 
Today, just as four years ago, | am truly honored to have 
had the opportunity to serve our Society. Having served 
previously on Council as Congress Director and as Sec- 
retary General, | have recognized that the position of 
President is more than a position of honor. It comes with 
responsibilities to represent the Society before national 
and international organizations, to communicate and 
interact with its Members and to manage the Society, 
together with the Council and Commission Presidents. To 
serve ISPRS honorably requires major dedication to per- 
form the duties of the position and an ability to appreci- 
ate the needs and diversity of the Society’s Membership 
and its officials. As your President, | have done my 
utmost to fulfill these responsibilities. 
As the first ISPRS President to be elected from the pri- 
vate sector, one of my perspectives has been to organize 
the administration and operation of the Society on a more 
solid footing. This is in recognition of the scientific, tech- 
nological, economic and social dynamics that are chang- 
ing the environment of, and the bodies with which, ISPRS 
interacts and operates. Our Society has grown ever 
larger and to stay viable and relevant, we must have the 
ability to change with the times. ISPRS now represents 
174 Member bodies, of which 124 are societies and 
organizations representing nations and regions. We are 
BEES organization and voice of the Pho- 
togrammetric, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information 
Sciences. It is imperative that we strive to achieve our 
mission and goals within a collegial and democratic envi- - 
ronment, yet with firmness of purpose and with the abil- 
ity to meet them. The General Assembly's adoption here 
of the Society's Strategic Plan for the 21st Century has 
set the framework and initiated many of the changes 
needed to accomplish this. This term, ISPRS has forged 
significant relationships with all sectors, as is shown by 
our increased involvement with ICSU, CEOS, UN/OOSA, 
and industry. This is very rewarding to me and my fellow 
officers, and for all of our Members. 
Our truly international Council has strongly influenced the 
direction of the Society, with expectations of bringing 
greater value to the disciplines and professions in which 
we are all engaged. For me, it has been a wonderful 
experience to work with a Council team which has been 
bold, eager and not fearful of challenge, yet sufficiently 
tempered with values of meaningful tradition. We have 
accomplished a lot because we all truly believe in the 
value of ISPRS. Our hope is that our successors will 
maintain the momentum and continue to strive to 
enhance the many benefits our Society offers to its Mem- 
bers. An international Society brings unity and synergy to 
support the greater good for all humankind. ISPRS is an 
excellent international society. 
As we near the end of this Congress, let me express my 
sincere thanks to my Council colleagues for their dili- 
gence and cooperation. The ISPRS Bylaws require that a 
minimum of three Council members step down from 
office in order to keep Society leadership vibrant and yet 
ensure continuity with experience. This term, four of my 
dear colleagues will leave Council, three after serving for 
only four years. Departing is our 1st Vice President and 
very deserving new ISPRS Honorary Member, Shunji 
Murai. Everyone will attest that Shunji, during his sixteen 
years on Council, has served our Society with hard work, 
efficiency, honor and dignity. His Asian perspective has 
strongly influenced the Society to address the needs of 
the developing world. We will clearly miss his honest. 
opinions, his wisdom and wit. Shunji, | thank you for 
sharing your friendship and appreciate the many hard- - 
ships that you and your caring wife, Taeko, have endured t. 
for serving the Society so well. 
Klaas Jan Beek has served the Society well as Congress 
Director. We will miss his ever positive and forward-look- 
ing perspectives for keeping the Society relevant. This 
has been a very successful Congress and we thank you 
Klaas Jan for your excellent hospitality. Our outgoing 
Treasurer, Heinz Ruether, has worked very hard in keep- 
ing the Society’s finances in order and in keeping our 
African colleagues involved. Heinz, we are pleased and 
fortunate that you will continue to work with Council as 
the new Chair of the Financial Commission. | am certain 
that you will continue to keep us on the positive side of 
the ledger. And it has been a privilege to have Marcio 
Barbosa, our very capable 2nd Vice President, bring his 
ideas and Latin American perspectives to support our 
Ga MC li AL sia for vour continued support of 
Has Society. 
Secretary General John Trinder has worked hard and 
conscientiously in communicating with our Members and | 
in maintaining the Headquarters of the Society. He has 
traveled extensively to represent the Society very capa- 
bly with other organizations and in the South Asian 
Pacific region. The Society will greatly benefit from his 
twelve years of experience on Council. John, | am most 
happy that the General Assembly has elected you to be 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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