Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Address of Incoming President 
by John Trinder 
It is with a great sense of honour and responsibility that | 
accept the position of President of ISPRS for the next four 
years. | thank the General Assembly for their confidence in 
voting me into this position. 
| have joined the names of former Presidents that | have 
always had a deep respect for, including Fred Doyle, the 
indefatigable Gottfried Konecny, Kennert Torlegard, Shunji 
Murai and Larry Fritz. The General Assembly has 
bestowed a heavy task on me but I will aim to pursue this 
task with all of my energy and enthusiasm. However, | will 
not be able to do this task on my own, and hence | rely 
very much on my Secretary General, lan Dowman, and 
other Council Members, Larry Fritz, Ammatzia Peled, 
Orhan Altan, and Gerard Bégni. 
It is an excellent team, representing a broad cross-section 
of experts in the photogrammetry, remote sensing and 
spatial information sciences around the world. | know | can 
rely on their expertise to continue the task of developing 
the Society and | look forward to working with them over 
the next four years. | thank these people for their commit- 
ment to ISPRS and sympathise with their partners for the 
time they will be spending on ISPRS business. 
| want to thank the members of the Council with whom | 
have worked over the last four years. All members have 
contributed a great deal to the work of the Council and | 
would like to acknowledge their contribution. 
Shunji Murai as First Vice President has, over sixteen 
years, made an outstanding contribution to the Society, 
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and fully deserves the award of Honorary Member of the 
Society, an honour that is only ever bestowed on seven 
people at any one time. 
Marcio Barbosa, as Second Vice President, has excep- 
tionally heavy responsibilities in INPE in Brazil, yet has ful- 
filled his responsibilities in the Council in an excellent 
manner. His contributions in presenting new approaches 
to the management of ISPRS have been a breath of fresh 
air and we certainly appreciate his contributions. 
Heinz Ruther has made an excellent contribution to the 
Society as Treasurer and in so doing has ensured that the 
finances and investments are on a very sound footing. He 
has also made major contributions to the management of 
ISPRS affairs. 
Larry Fritz has been a tireless worker for ISPRS for at least 
twelve years, and has made an outstanding contribution 
as President. He continued, while President, the complete 
dedication to ISPRS that he demonstrated as Secretary 
General from 1992-1996. He demonstrated his leadership 
in his term as President by proposing the Strategy Plan- 
ning meeting, which has become the basis of the future 
directions of the Society, as approved by the General 
Assembly on 20th July. One could almost conclude that he 
has also been a tough master, if one looks at the approxi- 
mately 340 action items that have originated from the 
Council over the last four years. However, | believe we 
undertook all of these actions willingly with the leadership 
from Larry, knowing that we were moving the Society in 
the right direction for the future. | thank Larry very sin- 
cerely for his contribution to the future of ISPRS, a contri- 
bution that provides the right directions for the next mil- 
lennium and its next century of existence. 
Klaas Jan Beek was the sixth member of the Council. | 
believe that Klaas Jan, together with the Congress organ- 
ising team deserve a special word of thanks. The organi- 
sation of the Congress is the biggest undertaking by any 
group in the Society. It requires dedication, hard work, a 
vast amount of tolerance, adaptability and patience. | 
believe that Klaas Jan has displayed all of these charac- 
teristics. | have enjoyed the Dutch sayings that Klaas Jan 
used to present to us when things became difficult. They 
provided us with a measure of rationality and brought us 

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