Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

back to earth. The Netherlands has done an outstanding 
job at organising this Congress. They have been innovative 
in bringing their own approach to the Technical Pro- 
gramme, as well as to the overall organisation and the 
social programme. It has been a pleasure to work with you 
and your team, as well as Martien Molenaar, Saskia Tem- 
pelman and Jan Timmerman. There were many others 
involved in the organisation of the Congress that | am 
unable to name. 
Klaas Jan, | congratulate you and your team on an out- 
standing contribution to the work of ISPRS through the 
organisation of this Congress. It has been a pleasure for all 
of us to visit your country and experience its many 
delights. We will particularly remember the social func- 
tions, the bike rides and canal trips and the outstanding 
banquet, a truly wonderful evening. | am sure | am 
expressing the deepest gratitude of all participants at this 
Congress for the work that you and your team has done in 
organising this Congress. Thank you very much. Hartelijk 
Now, looking ahead, the ISPRS will be led by a new team 
for the next four years. A Council of six, four of whom are 
new members, so we will see new, but | am sure con- 
structive views being presented by these people. The Gen- 
eral Assembly has elected seven new Technical Commis- 
sion Presidents from: 
TCI - USA, Stanley A. Morain 
TCI - China, Chen Jun 
TC ll - Austria, Franz Leberl 
TCIV - Canada, Costas Armenakis 
TCV - Greece, Petros Patias 
TC VI - Brazil, Tania Maria Sausen 
TC VII - India, Rangnath R. Navalgund 
The Resolutions approved by the General Assembly define 
the future directions of the Technical Commissions, the 
bodies that are responsible for the scientific and technical 
activities of ISPRS. These resolutions have been defined 
by the Technical Commissions as one of their last duties at 
the Congress. | look forward to framing new terms of ref- 
erence for the Commissions and then working with them in 
the Commission activities based on these resolutions until 
The Strategic Plan developed by the Council and 
approved by the General Assembly will define the overall 
directions of the management, scientific and international 
co-operation in ISPRS. It will be a challenging task to con- 
tinue to implement the recommendations of the Strategic 
Plan. Our achievements in this regard will define the suc- 
cess of the Council over the next four years. 
When it was first formed ninety years ago by Eduard 
Dolezal, the ISP, as it was then named, was a small Soci- 
ety with limited aims. It dealt with the development of pho- 
togrammetry and its applications. The Society achieved 
these task slowly, but very thoroughly. It gained an out- 
standing reputation as the leading society in the field. As 
we know, photogrammetry has developed through the 
analogue to the analytical and now the digital ages. Now 
that we have entered the digital age, the areas of interest 
of ISPRS, the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial 
information sciences are not only converging but they are 
also based on the integration of data and facilities into 
data processing and analysis systems. Therefore, the new 
trends in technology in ISPRS will place an emphasis on 
the integration of these activities. 
ISPRS has been very successful in developing its reputa- 
tion in photogrammetry and this will continue, especially in 
the areas of digital and close range photogrammetry. 
However, ISPRS is not the only player in the fields of 
remote sensing and spatial information sciences and 
therefore it cannot expect to be the leader in all aspects of 
these fields. ISPRS therefore has established collaborative 
agreements with other organisations working in these 
fields. It will need to continue and expand this collabora- 
tion in the future to ensure that it fulfils its mission. 
The new ISPRS mission identifies the purpose of its activ- 
ities as ‘contributing to the well-being of humanity and the 
sustainability of the environment'. These are very ambi- 
tious aims but ISPRS certainly has a role to play in the 
preservation of the environment and the future of the 
planet. Sustainable Development is becoming an impor- 
tant topic for ISPRS, as well as UN declarations on the 
environment, such as the Kyoto protocol. ISPRS can and 
should play a major role in achieving public recognition of 
its technology as leading-edge science for such important 
matters. This will be done by collaborating with other 
organisations that have knowledge of the physical, chem- 
ical, biological and environmental aspects of the planet. 
ISPRS should therefore become more diverse and adapt- 
able to these new demands. These aims must be pursued 
with vigour over the next four years. 
As we depart from Amsterdam for our homes, | trust that 
all attendees at this Congress have been able to gain new 
knowledge of the developments of the activities in ISPRS. 
This Congress will in many ways, | believe, be recognised 
as the beginning of a new era in ISPRS activities. We have 
really entered the digital age in photogrammetry. Remote 
sensing has now entered the high spatial and spectral res- 
olution eras; spatial information systems, now well embed- 
ded into ISPRS activities, are making significant progress 
in inter-operability and hence may be applied in a broad 
range of undertakings. Integration of these activities is, in 
addition, well established. 
| trust that you will be able to take the knowledge you have 
gained about many of the new developments that you 
have seen here back to your workplaces and introduce 
them where applicable. This will confirm the benefits 
gained from attending this Congress, from your participat- 
ing in ISPRS and from ISPRS Membership. More impor- 
tantly it will assist you in contributing to the preservation of 
our threatened planet. 
| wish you success in your future work in the photogram- 
metry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences. 
Tot ziens, bon voyage and have a safe trip home. | look 
forward to seeing you all in Istanbul in 2004. 
Thank you. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 

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