Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

John Trinder, ISPRS President Elect, 
Congratulates Present Congress Director 
Klaas Jan, | congratulate you and your team on an out- 
standing contribution to the work of ISPRS through the or- 
ganisation of this Congress. It has been a pleasure for all 
of us to visit your country and experience its many de- 
lights. We will particularly remember the social functions, 
the bike rides and canal trips and the outstanding banquet, 
a truly wonderful evening, and, the Dutch who all speak 
English. | am sure | am expressing the deepest gratitude of 
all participants at this Congress for the work that you and 
your team have done in organising this Congress. Thank 
you very much. Hartelijk dank! 
Now looking ahead, the ISPRS will be led by a new team 
for the next four years. A Council of six, four of whom are 
new members, so we will see new, but | am sure construc- 
tive views being presented by these people. The General 
Assembly has elected seven new Technical Commission 
Presidents named previously. 
Marcio Barbosa as Second Vice-President has exception- 
ally heavy responsibilities in INPE in Brazil, yet has fulfilled 
his responsibilities in the Council in an excellent manner. 
His contributions in presenting new approaches to the 
management of ISPRS has been a breath of fresh air, and 
we certainly appreciate his contributions. 
Heinz Ruther has made an excellent contribution to the 
Society as Treasurer and in so doing has ensured that the 
finances and investments are on a very sound footing. 
Larry Fritz has been a tireless worker for ISPRS for at least 
12 years, and has made an outstanding contribution as 
President. He continued while he has been President, the 
complete dedication to ISPRS that he demonstrated as 
Secretary General. He demonstrated his leadership in his 
term as President by proposing the Strategy Planning 
meeting, which has become the basis of the future direc- 
tions of the Society, as approved by the General Assembly 
on 20 July. One could almost conclude that he has also 
been a tough master, if one looks at the approximately 350 
action items that have been originated from the Council 
over the last 4 years. However, | believe we undertook all of 
these actions willingly with the leadership from Larry, know- 
ing that we were moving the Society in the right direction 
for the future. | thank Larry very sincerely for his contribu- 
tion to the future of ISPRS, that provides the right directions 
for the next millennium and its next century of existence. 
Klaas Jan Beek was the sixth member of the Council. | be- 
lieve that Klaas Jan, together with the Congress organising 
team deserve a special word of thanks. The organisation of 
the Congress is the biggest undertaking by any group in 
the Society. It requires dedication, hard work, a vast 
amount of tolerance, adaptability and patience. | believe 
that Klaas Jan has displayed all of these characteristics. | 
have enjoyed the Dutch sayings that Klaas Jan used to 
present to us when things became difficult. They provided 
us with a measure of rationality and brought us back to 
earth. The Netherlands has done an outstanding job at or- 
ganising this Congress. They have been innovative in 
bringing their own approach to the Technical Programme 
as well as the overall organisation and the social pro- 
gramme. It has been a pleasure to work with you and your 
team, the main ones being Martien Molenaar, Saskia Tem- 
pelman, Jan Timmerman, Cees lJsendoorn and others. 
Address of Incoming ISPRS Congress Director, 
M. Ohran Altan 
Mr. President, Sir, 
Klaas Jan Beek Past Congress Director, 
Distinguished Guests, 
Four years ago, the incoming Congress Director, Klaas Jan 
Beek, in his acceptance speech extolled the virtues of the 
three-legged chicken. Coming as | do, from a country fa- 
mous for its culinary expertise, and being personally quite 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 
appreciative of fine cooking, | came to Amsterdam fully in- 
tending to taste and enjoy what | expected to be a very 
succulent dish. | have not been disappointed, | have, as | 
am sure all of us have at this congress, thoroughly enjoyed 
the many facets of this congress. Thank you all who have 
had a role in ensuring such a tremendous success. 
We in Turkey have as yet not succeeded in genetically en- 
gineering three-legged chicken. But, being aware of the 
importance of preserving our universe for the coming gen- 

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