Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

structures of architectural significance and objects of 
importance to the cultural heritage 
- the need for innovative technologies for imaging, data 
processing, modelling, visualisation, archiving and 
information management, including Internet tech- 
- the need for integration of computer graphics with 
close-range vision techniques for digital archives or VR 
- further development of integrating of close-range 
vision techniques and spatial information systems for 
3D reconstruction and documentation of monuments 
and buildings for cultural heritage 
- the increased use of advanced, low-cost and rapid 
techniques in documentation and monitoring of the 
cultural heritage 
- development of standard procedures and products in 
co-operation with related disciplines (e.g. urban plan- 
ning or facility management) 
- close co-operation with CIPA. 
Resolution V. 5 Image sequence analysis 
The Congress 
- the potential for, and growing importance of, temporal 
analysis, time-constrained solutions and dynamic 
- the variety of systems and applications, including 
mobile mapping, robot vision, machine vision, medical 
imaging, autonomous navigation, motion analysis, 
deformation analysis and data capture for virtual reality 
- the need for real-time image processing involving sen- 
sor fusion in the integration of image data with naviga- 
tion sensor data 
- the need for the development of algorithms and asso- 
ciated computational processes for image sequence 
- that investigations of these topics be promoted, in close 
co-operation with Commission Ill and researchers, for 
example in engineering and computer vision 
- that investigations into algorithmic aspects and the 
development of computational systems for applica- 
tions with special emphasis on time constrained solu- 
tions be conducted. 
Resolution V.6 Vision and animation 
The Congress 
- the increasing demand for image-based animation in 
many applications in sports, medicine, biomechanics, 
security, the movie and TV industry, videogames, envi- 
ronmental simulation and interface technology 
- the need for involvement of photogrammetrists in this 
- the potential for close-range vision techniques to be 
utilised in animation technology 
- the development of image-based techniques for use in 
live figure and environment generation tasks 
- the study of methods and technologies to support the 
interaction of real and virtual objects and actors 
- that collaboration with the computer vision and anima- 
tion communities be intensified. 
Resolution V. 7 Integration of ground-based vision 
techniques with aerial/space images 
The Congress 
- that the importance of integration of ground-based 
vision techniques with those of aerial and space 
imagery will inevitably increase for applications such as 
city modelling, urban and traffic planning, and environ- 
mental monitoring 
- the need to utilise high-resolution satellite images or 
aerial images in an integrated fashion with ground- 
based imagery 
- that new models and techniques for close-range and 
aerial/space image integration be developed in co- 
operation with Commission Ill and IV, with a focus on 
aspects such as the combination of data from various 
sources, object extraction techniques, 3D modelling 
and texture mapping. 
Resolutions of Technical Commission VI 
Resolution VI.1 The Internet for ISPRS 
The Congress 
- that the Internet and the World Wide Web provide a 
super-highway for information access and transfer 
- the potential of the Internet as a support for research 
- the relevance of Internet search engines for information 
retrieval and sharing 
- the need for guidelines and recommendations regard- 
ing appropriate formats for Internet Web pages 
- the benefits of integrating the ISPRS journal, ISPRS 
Highlights, member reports, ISPRS web pages, com- 
mission and working group reports and newsletters, 
other relevant ISPRS publications and links to the web 
pages of education and research institutions, govern- 
mental institutions and private companies 
- that the Internet infrastructure has not yet become 
totally available in developing countries 
- the investigation of the optimal use of the Internet for 
the benefit of the ISPRS community. 
Resolution VI.2 Education for the developing world 
The Congress 
- the relevance of training and education for the ongoing 
development of photogrammetry, remote sensing and 
geo-information, especially in the developing world 
- the benefits of, and the need for, education networking 
and sharing of expertise and resources in the develop- 
ing world 
- the lack of communication between educational insti- 
tutions and individual educators in the developing 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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