Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

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- in the case of action manifestly contrary to the 
interests and objectives of the Society; 
- in the case of repeated default in the payment of 
subscription fees in spite of a demand for payment 
which the Treasurer shall send to the defaulting 
Regional Member at least six months prior to the 
meeting of the General Assembly. 
4. Sustaining Members 
(a) An application for Sustaining Membership shall be 
addressed in writing to the Secretary General and 
shall include a full statement of the applicant's role 
in the fields of photogrammetry and/or remote 
sensing and/or spatial information. 
(b) Council shall consider each application and make 
the final decision on admission of an applicant. 
(c) Sustaining Members may appoint a committee to 
represent the exhibitors in the planning and operation 
of scientific and technical exhibits sponsored by the 
Society. The recommendations of the Sustaining 
Members Committee are advisory to the Congress 
(d) The Congress Director of the Society shall convene 
a Sustaining Members meeting at least once during 
each Congress. 
(e) Council shall have the authority to cancel Sustain- 
ing Membership: 
- in case of action manifestly contrary to the interests 
and objectives of the Society; 
- in case of repeated default in payment of subscrip- 
tion fees. 
5. Honorary Members 
(a Honorary Members shall be nominated by a com- 
mittee, chaired by the most recent Honorary Mem- 
ber and composed of members from the current 
and three previous Councils, and elected by the 
(b) There may not be more than seven living Honorary 
Members of the Society at any given time. 
(c) Honorary Members shall have the right to attend all 
meetings of the Society and its constituent parts 
with the exception of Council meetings. They shall 
not be called upon to pay registration fees at func- 
tions sponsored in the name of the Society. 
BYLAW VII - Organization and Administration 
Committees may be appointed by the Council to report on 
special topics or to address issues in support of Council. 
The membership of a Committee shall consist of a Chair- 
person appointed by the President and additional members 
shall be selected by the Chairperson with the approval of 
the President. International representation among Commit- 
tee Members shall be encouraged. A committee shall be 
instituted when the Terms of Reference for the Committee 
have been approved by Council. The term of an Ad-Hoc 
Committee shall coincide with the inter-congress period. 
The term of a Permanent Committee shall be indefinite and 
may only be dissolved at the end of an inter-Congress 
period by consensus of the Council. The Chairperson shall 
prepare a report on Committee activities for presentation to 
each regular meeting of the General Assembly. 
BYLAW VIII - Officers 
1. The President of the Society, the Second Vice-Presi- 
dent, the Secretary General and the Treasurer shall be 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 
elected by the General Assembly. Ordinary Members 
may submit nominations for members of Council to the 
Secretary General not later than four months prior to 
the meeting of the General Assembly at the time of a 
Congress. The Council will review the recommenda- 
tions and submit nominations to the General Assembly. 
2. In order to assist continuity the outgoing President shall 
be appointed the incoming First Vice-President as of 
right without election. Should he/she decline the office it 
shall be offered successively in the following order to: 
- the outgoing Secretary General 
- the outgoing Vice-Presidents in turn, past Presi- 
dents excepted 
- the outgoing Treasurer 
- the outgoing Director of the Congress 
Should all these decline the office, it shall be filled by 
election by the General Assembly. 
3. The Director of the Congress shall be proposed by the 
Ordinary Member organizing the Congress and shall be 
confirmed by the General Assembly. 
4. The First Vice-President who has been appointed to 
that office without election and the Director of the Con- 
gress may be of any nationality. Of the remaining 
members of the Council no two shall be of the same 
5. No person shall hold the office of President for two con- 
secutive terms. No person who has held the offices of 
President and First Vice-President consecutively in that 
order shall be eligible for a further consecutive term of 
office as President. The choice of person to become 
President shall not otherwise be restricted by virtue of 
any office in the Society which he/she holds or has held 
in the past. 
6. No more than three Council members may remain on 
Council from one inter-Congress period to the next. An 
outgoing elected member of Council shall not be eligi- 
ble for election to any office on the incoming Council 
other than to that of President of the Society or Secre- 
tary General. After the lapse of one inter-congress 
period he/she shall again become eligible for election 
to the Council. 
7. The Council shall fill by co-option all vacancies occur- 
ring through the death or long-term disability of any of 
its members other than the President. When filling the 
post of Treasurer by co-option, the Council shall first 
consult all Ordinary Members, by correspondence or 
otherwise, and shall take account of the views 
8. No member of Council shall be a member of the Finan- 
cial Commission. 
9. The Presidents of Technical Commissions shall be 
nominated by the Ordinary Members seeking responsi- 
bility for Technical Commissions. The General Assem- 
bly selecting the Ordinary Member responsible for a 
Commission shall confirm the Commission President. 
In case of necessity a Commission President may be 
confirmed by the Council. 
BYLAW IX - Congress 
1. The Congress site shall be selected by the General 
Assembly from proposals made by Ordinary Members. 
Such proposals shall include the dates, physical facilities, 
preliminary financial plans, and the name of the proposed 
Congress Director. 

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