Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

3. The value of the subscription unit shall be fixed by the 
General Assembly. 
4. The subscription fees of Sustaining Members and 
Regional Members, established by the Couneil, shall 
be ratified by the General Assembly. 
5. Bank accounts of the Society shall be held in the 
names of two persons, namely the President and the 
6. Gifts and legacies offered to the Society may be 
accepted by Council and shall be ratified by the Gen- 
eral Assembly. 
7. Finances of the Society shall be controlled as follows: 
(a) An annual budget for revenues and expenditures 
for each fiscal year shall be prepared by the Trea- 
surer, examined in detail by the Financial Commis- 
Sion, and passed on to the Council for approval, 
one month prior to the end of the fiscal year. 
(b) Additional expenditures for routine operations can 
be approved by the Treasurer. Expenditures for 
extraordinary items must receive Council's 
BYLAW XVI - Voting 
1. When a vote by correspondence is taken in respect of 
admission of a new Ordinary Member, Associate Mem- 
ber or Regional Member, voting papers shall be sent by 
airmail, or as available, by electronic ballot, to every 
Ordinary Member. All ballots not returned by the time 
limit set will be considered to be favorable votes. A deci- 
sion to admit the applicant shall be declared after the 
time limit set has expired, provided that three-quarters 
of the votes cast are in favor of admission. 
2. Members who raise their category at a General Assem- 
bly shall receive voting rights at the higher category if 
they have paid their annual membership subscription 
fee at the higher category for the fiscal year of the Gen- 
eral Assembly. 
BYLAW XVII - Regulations and Directives 
1. The decisions of the Plenary Session of a Congress and 
the decisions of the General Assembly shall be made 
known to Members and Technical Commissions of the 
Society without delay. 
2. Decisions taken by the Council shall be promptly com- 
municated to Members by the Secretary General. 
BYLAW XVIII - Languages 
During a Congress, or a Symposium of a Technical Commis- 
Sion, the host Ordinary Member may offer, entirely at its own 
expense, translation to the language of the host country. 
BYLAW XIX - Dissolution or Amalgamation 
In the instance of dissolution of the Society the funds shall 
be donated to a recognized international charitable organ- 
ization selected by the Council and the Financial Commis- 
Sion. The records of the dissolution shall be deposited with 
the organization that has assumed responsibility for 
BYLAW XX - Amendments to Statutes and Bylaws 
Amendments to Statutes and Bylaws shall take effect at 
the times set by the General Assembly. 
Original Bylaws adopted by the General Assembly of the 11th Congress, July 1968, at Lausanne, Switzerland. 
Bylaws amended by the General Assembly of the 12th Congress, August 1972, at Ottawa, Canada. 
Bylaws amended by the General Assembly of the 14th Congress, July 1980, at Hamburg, Federal Republic of 
Bylaws amended by the General Assembly of the 15th Congress, June 1984, at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 
Bylaws amended by the General Assembly of the 16th Congress, July 1988, at Kyoto, Japan. 
Bylaws amended by the General Assembly of the 17th Congress, August 1992, at Washington, D.C., USA. 
Bylaws amended by the General Assembly of the 18th Congress, July 1996, at Vienna, Austria. 
Bylaws amended by the General Assembly of the 19th Congress, July 2000, at Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 
President: Lawrence W. Fritz (1996-2000) 
Secretary General: John C. Trinder (1996-2000) 
Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection 
ARTICLE I — Raison sociale et but 
La Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et de Télédé- 
tection (désignée ci-aprés par « la Société ») est une organi- 
sation internationale non-gouvernementale, qui se consacre 
au développement de la coopération internationale en vue 
du progrés des connaissances, de la recherche, du déve- 
loppement, de l'enseignement et de la formation dans le 
domaine de la photogrammétrie, de la télédétection et des 
sciences de l'information spatiale, de leur intégration et de 
leur application pour contribuer au bien-étre de l'humanité 
et à la préservation de l'environnement. 
ARTICLE Il — Définitions 
La photogrammétrie et la télédétection se définissent 
comme l'art, la science et la technologie qui permettent 
d'obtenir, à partir de capteurs d'images à distance ou 
d'autres systémes de capteurs, des informations fiables 
sur la Terre, son environnement et sur d'autres objets phy- 
siques, ainsi que de les traiter par l'enregistrement, la 
mesure, l'analyse et la représentation. 
Les sciences de l'information spatiale se définissent 
comme l'art, la science et la technologie qui permettent 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. A 2000. 381 

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