Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

gresses and Symposia, and other scientific meetings of the Society-ecite-suberdiaate 
ceno gulis and circulate an levain Re ee ei the 
journal, a bulletin, 
and other COMMUNICATIONS rois van io hé interest of the Society and the community at 
(f) stimulate the formation of national and regional Societies of the photogrammetry, remote 
sensing and spatial information sciences and promote exchanges between such Soci- 
(g) encourage, interaction of. te Society and its members with ihe community at large:. 
3X7 ae 
V. eiu 
(h) e) administer-a-vaHety-ef encourage recognition and administer awards to honor the 
achievements of individuals or groups; 
(i) represent the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences in rele- 
vant international forums; 
() promote and facilitate education, training. and technology transfer of the photogramme- 
try, remote sensing and spatial information sciences; 
(K) promote other appropriate actions to enhance the Society's mission. 
STATUTE V - Cooperation with Other International Organizations 
The Society should cooperate with-ethecinternatienal: 
(a) international and regional institutions or organizations concerned with photogrammetry, 
remote sensing, image analysis, spatial information systems;sciences, land survey, geo- 
desy, cartography, and other applieable-diseiplines- relevant disciplines; 
(b) inter-governmental bodies of the United Nations and other relevant, international policy- 
making organizations. 
STATUTE VI - Membership 
The eategeries-types of membership in the Society are: 
- Ordinary Members 
- Associate Members 
- Regional Members 
- Sustaining Members 
- Honorary Members 
1. An Ordinary Member shall be the single organization of a country, or a geographic 
region thereof having an independent budget, which represents should represent the 
whole community of phetegrammetristes-and-photogrammetry, remote sensing experts 
and spatial information specialists in the country or region. 
(a) An Ordinary Member shall be responsible to the Society for the proper discharge of 
all the duties of membership including specifically: 
- participating in the scientific work of the Society, including active participation in 
Working Groups and Commissions; 
- paying-the-dues-et-Menmbership-- prompt payment of Membership subscription 
promoting ISPRS activities: 
actively participating in the decisions of the General Assembly: 
appointing Correspondents to the Technical Commissions and registering them 
with the Secretary General; 
- striving to provide equitable national representation for all photogrammetric, 
remote sensing and spatial information specialists in its country or region; 
serving as national focal point for distribution of ISPRS information to their members; 
submitting periodic reports and news for publication in the Society's bulletin, and 
producing a quadrennial report for the Congress; 
demonstrating active representation of the whole of their membership in their 
country or region; 
- encouraging interdisciplinary cooperation in scientific and technologic activities, 
and establishing links with relevant groups; 
- forming journals and registering them with the Secretary General. 
EE da 
Membership "types" is intro- 
duced to avoid confusion 
with the word "category" 
which refers to the number of 
active specialists represented 
by a Member organization. 
The responsibilities and roles 
of Members have been 
explicitly listed to clarify their 
expected involvement in 
Society activities. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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