Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

2. An Associate Member shall be an organization which represents a community of pho- 
togrammetrists and/or remote Sensing expekHsspecialists and/or spatial information Bye 
terr-experts-specialists in a country, and which has a strong interest in participating in 
the Society's affairs, and which is not represented by the Ordinary Member organization 
of the country. 
An Associate Member shall be responsible to the Society for the proper discharge of all the 
duties of membership including specifically: 
participating in the scientific work of the Society, including active participation in 
Working Groups and Commissions: 
prompt payment of Membership subscription fee: 
promoting ISPRS activities: 
participating in the discussions of the General Assembly; 
serving as a focal point for distribution of ISPRS information to their members: 
submitting periodic reports and news for publication in the Society's bulletin; 
stimulating the establishment of appropriate means of communication. 
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STATUTE IX - Congress 
3. The Congress shall be convened in plenary session at least eaeetwice 
of each Congress. 
during the course 
STATUTE XIII - Technical Commissions 
1. The scientific work of the Society shall be the responsibility of its Technical Commissions 
and shall be guided by Resolutions approved by the General Assembly. 
STATUTE XV - Finances 
1. Each Ordinary Member and Associate Member shall pay annually the eeatébutieasub- 
scription fee assigned to its category. The amount of centHbutionsubscription fee for 
each category shall be determined by the General Assembly and may be altered by the 
General Assembly only at one of its ordinary meetings held during the course of a Con- 
2. Council may establish the contribution of Regional Members and Sustaining Members 
shall pay an annual subscription fee established by Council. 
The responsibilities and roles 
of Members have been 
explicitly listed to clarify their 
expected involvement in 
Society activities. 
both opening and closing 
sessions should be plenary 
Resolutions define the work 
plan for each four year term. 
This renaming is to facilitate 
administrative payment pro- 
cedures of Members whose 
regulations place restrictions 
on "contributions" as such. 
Amendments to the Bylaws with Rationale 
Approved by the General Assembly at the XIX ISPRS Congress, July 2000 
BYLAW I - Name and Mission 
The short title of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing shall be 
ISPRS with the motto "Information from Imagery" and these initials and motto shall be used 
in all the official languages of the Society and on flags, logos, statieneries;stationery. etc. of 
the Society and its subordinate bodies. 
BYLAW II - Definitions 
2. For elective offices, nationality shall be that of the Orci: iary Member which nominates the 
candidate and the candidate shall, at time of election, be a permanent resident of the 
nation of the O: y Member. 
BYLAW Ill - Qualifications 
The Society subscribes to the declaration adopted in 1958 by the 8th General Assembly of 
the International Council of Seientifie-JaiensScience (ICSU), concerning non-discrimination 
on the basis of politics, nationality, religion, race, or sex-gender. 
BYLAW V - Cooperation with Other International Organizations 
In its policy of cooperation the Society shall support consolidation of international societies 
committed to the promotion of the united profession of photogrammetry, remote sensing, 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. —— 
A motto or tag-line for the 
Society has been chosen to 
provide a term which is under- 
Standable to the general pub- 
lic and which is descriptive of 
the activities of ISPRS. 
This is to clarify the meaning 
of nationality for qualifying can- 
aigates nominated to serve 
the Society. 
Name of ICSU was officially 
changed in 1998. 
"Relevant international organi- 
zations" should be enough to 
Characterize the possible bod- 

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