Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

spatial information systems;sciences, cartography, geodesy, and surveying, as well as affili- 
ation with other relevant international organizations--sueh-as-these-dealkhg-withmage-sel- 
BYLAW VI - Membership 
2. Associate Members 
(b) The application shall state the category in which Associate Membership is requested. 
The category chosen should be broadly related to the number of photogrammetrists 
and/or remote sensing and/or spatial information specialists represented by the appli- 
cant, and the uses made of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information 
sciences in the country concerned. The table below indicates the category to which an 
Associate Member should belong. 
Number of Active 
Specialists Category 
less than 5 1 
51: io 250 2 
251 io 600 3 
more than 600 4 
(c) The Council shall review each application received and shall consult with the Ordi 
Member of the country, and the Secretary General shall report every application received 
to all Members and shall inform them of the opinion of the Council thereon. 
te) An Associate Member can upgrade its membership to Ordinary Member: 
at any time by uniting or cooperating with the Ordinary Member of its country, or 
by vote of the General Assembly, after consultation by Council with the € Wy 
Member and demonstration by appropriate documentation, of more active participa- 
tion in areas of study of ISPRS and larger representation of the whole community of 
specialists in the country, than the current Ordinary Member. The new category will 
be determined according to Bylaw VI.1.(b). 
4. Sustaining Members 
(b) Council shall consider each Appisation and make the final decision on admission of an appli- 
(d) The Seeretacy-GeneralCongress Director of the Society shall convene a Sustaining Mem- 
bers meeting at least once during each Congress. 
(e) Council deeides-en-eaneellatien-ef-shall have the authority to cancel Sustaining Mem- 
5. Honorary Members 
(a) Honorary Members shall be nominated by a committee, chaired by the most recent Hon- 
orary Member and composed of members from the current and three previous Councils, 
and elected by the Congress. 
BYLAW VII - Organization and Administration 
Ad-hee-Committees may be appointed by the Council to report on special topics or to 
address issues in support of Council. The membership of a Committee shall consist of a 
GhaiemenChairperson appointed by the President and additional members shall be selected 
by the Ghaieman-Chairperson with the approval of the President. International representation 
among Committee Members shall be encouraged. A Fre-terms-efa-committee shall be insti- 
tuted when the Terms of Reference for the Committee have been approved by Council. The 
term of an Ad- hu Gomes shall coincide with the interconoress period. fne Heanor 
a Sr of a Permanent ‚Committee shall be indefinite 
and may only be dissolved at the end of an inter-Congress period by consensus of the Coun- 
cil. The Chairperson shall prepare a report on Committee activities for presentation to each 
regular meeting of the General Assembly. 
BYLAW IX - Congress 
anvtbe Bes CArnie 
t with the 5ocie 
2. The Ordinary Member organizing the Congress shall sion a contract 
les with which ISPRS can 
Associate Membership under- 
went important changes to 
allow and encourage a more 
active and relevant participa- 
tion in the Society, as well as 
more realistic 
unification/upgrade possibili- 
This sentence is redundant 
with item (e) below. 
This committee process will 
be more objective as candi- 
dates are usually outgoing 
members of Council. 
The addition of standing com- 
mittees will bring more expert- 
ise to support Council fact 
finding, document preparation 
and activities continuity. 
This contract is meant to 
define legally the respective 
410-— —— International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 

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