Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

be responsible for ensuring that adequate Presien-isprovisions_are made for the Con- 
gress. The Ordinary Member shall obtain the necessary financial support for this pur- 
pose. The Ordinary Member shall be responsible for the-finanees-effinancing the Con- 
gress, including the preparation and publication of theThe International Archives of the 
Photogrammetry and-, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences relating to the 
Congress, the preparation and publication of which it shall ensure. For this purpose it 
shall have the cooperation of the Technical Commissions and of the Council. It shall bear 
all the financial responsibilities of publication. 
BYLAW X - General Assembly 
7. The General Assembly shall: 
(b) review the decisions taken by the Council since the last Congress; 
(&(h) determine the value of the unit-eentHbutiens;subscription unit; 
(0) ratify Memorandums of Understanding and similar formal agreements with interna- 
tional organizations: 
(p) ratify Awards, gifts and legacies offered to the Society. 
BYLAW XI - Council 
2. A Council mess Sam Le held at least once during Sach calendar year. 
ry en n ta full #in thase r 
me (RECT n pate Tullv in these | 
Sana Io 
General Assembly. 
9. The Secretary General shall: 
(a) perform the duties of Secretary of the General Assembly, of the Council and of the 
Congress meeting in plenary session, arrange the meetings of these bodies, and 
draw and distribute their agenda and minutes at the proper time; 
(b) at the request of the President, represent the Society in its dealings with national or 
international institutions or organizations whose activities are of interest to the Soci- 
(i). coordinate the scheduling of all events of the Society. 
10. The Treasurer shall: 
(b) issue annual bille-invoices one month before the upcoming fiscal year in which the fee 
is due to Ordinary Members, Associate Members, Regional Members, and Sustaining 
Members and ehalFinform them en-the-address-efthe-banl-and-the-aecceunt-aumberof 
the proper procedures for remittance of eertHbutions—r-case-ef-overdue-centrbutions, 
the-subscription fees. The Treasurer shall send periodic reminders to those in arrears; 
(e) assemble the complete accounts of the Society for the four-year term at the end of the 
fiscal year prior to the Congress and submit them to the Financial Commission for audit; 
(f) submit to the Secretary General prior to the meeting of the General Assembly a list of 
Ordinary Members, Associate Members and Regional Members that have not yet 
paid their annual eentHbutier-subscription fee up to and including the year prior to 
the General Assembly: 
BYLAW XII - Headquarters 
Provided that the Statutes and Bylaws of the Society do not run counter to the laws per- 
taining to associations in the country where the Secretary General is domiciled, the resi- 
dence of the Secretary General shall be the headquarters of the Society, except when the 
Council decides for a more convenient alternative. 
BYLAW XIII - Technical Commissions 
2. Activities in the photogrammetry are-, remote sensing and spatial information sciences 
shall be divided into seven areas of major interest and each area shall be entrusted to a 
responsibilities of the Con- 
gress Host and the Society. It 
shall include the surcharge to 
be assessed for organizational 
guidance and products pro- 
duced by the Society and for 
other costs necessary to 
operate the Society in a pro- 
fessional manner. 
Redundant to clause 7.(h) 
below (formerly 7.(i)). 
To allow for the GA to formally 
approve Council decisions, 
such as those reviewed by 
the GA in paragraph clause 
X .7.(b) above. 
Council members are the Offi- 
clals with the highest resoonsi- 
bilities for the Society and their 
personal presence at Council 
meetings is paramount to 
allow efficient interaction 
among them and assure good 
care of the Society matters. 
The Secretary General position 
is best suited to support the 
increased interaction required! 
with other international bodies. 
To assure effectiveness of 
Society operations. 
Previous wording of !O. (b), (e), 
and (f) was ambiguous. 
To proviae flexibility for Council 
to try innovative solutions 
which could eventually lead to 
some type of permanent 
headquarters arrangement. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. — — — 

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