Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

7. Each Commission is expected to organize an International Symposium in the period 
between two Congresses. Before arranging an International Symposium the Commission 
shall obtain the Gonsent of the Council. S al 
Such Symposia shall be » devoted to 
La of ee 3 STE SS 
S > OCT 
e-field of the Commission and preparation for the ensuing Shag 
10. The Commission Board shall review the Resolutions approved by the Congress and iden- 
tify e-aurabec-ef-subjects or problems requiring detailed study, trials or experimental 
researchz-en&. It shall establish Working Groups to undertake these investigations and it 
shall ensure that all measures outlined in the Resolutions are covered by Working Group 
activities. If, in this connection, important divergences of opinion should arise within or 
between Commissions, the Council shall determine the course of action. The terms of 
reference and duration of the Working Groups shall be strictly limited and clearly defined 
by the Commission Board and approved by Council. A subdivision of the field of a Com- 
mission into Working Groups acting virtually as independent Commissions shall not be 
11. The Working Group shall consist of: 
- the Chairperson of the Working Group-ane; 
- optionally a Co-Chairperson; 
- a sraalkgroup of specialists chosen by the Chairperson, not in consideration of coun- 
try but of qualification and commitment; 
- other interested, competent specialists who have indicated a commitment to con- 
tribute and participate. 
14. At the-begginning-least six months in advance of a Congress, the President of each Tech- 
nical Commission shall form a committee to prepare Resolutions for the Commission. 
Moo-ProcidonteEnee This: ‚Committee wikia Shallidentitv dunig-tho-Gonaregostio more 
important problems eeediag-requiring solution and prepare-submit to Council Rresolu- 
tions on the work needed to solve them, no later than three months in advance of the 
15. The-GCemmitteePrior to the Congress, the First Vice-President shall form the Resolutions 
Committee, which shall coordinate the Reesolutions of all Technical Commissions, Members 
and Committees with regard to practicality, shall ensure that they are set down in suitable 
standard form and are presented in at least one of the official languages of the Society. 
BYLAW XV - Finances 
1. The fiscal year of the Society shall be 1st April to 31st March. All annual eentributieae 
bysubscription fees of Ordinary Members, Associate Members, Regional Members and 
Sustaining Members shall be paid &y-34-st-Mareh-in-the-ealendarbefore the end of the fis- 
cal yoat-eéthne-coniiibutien. 
2. The annual eentibutiensubscription fee paid by an Ordinary or Associate Member shall 
be defined through e-the number of units of eentrbutien-subscription assigned to its cat- 
egory of Gr«dinaey-Membership in accordance with the following table: 
This contract is meant to 
define legally the respective 
responsibilities of the Sympo- 
sium Host and the Society. 
(See Bylaw IX rationale.) 
Changes in this paragraph are 
to explicitly ensure that the 
decisions of the GA are 
parceled to and addressed by 
the relevant WGs. 
To reflect common practice. 
To foster international coopera- 
The intention is to produce 
higher quality Resolutions by 
arving at the Congress with 
problems identified and the 
majority of resolutions already 
analyzed and consolidated, 
instead of having all this work 
carried during the Congress. 
This complements the 
changes in XIII. 14. above. 
Previous wording was ambigu- 
414- : — International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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