Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Article 4 
Applications or nominations must include all the particu- 
lars noted in Article 5 and must be filed with ISPRS Secre- 
tary General no later than seven months before the begin- 
ning of an ISPRS Congress. 
Article 5 
Candidates for the Eduard DoleZal Award must meet the 
following requirements: 
1. They shall have completed their studies in one of the 
branches represented by the ISPRS Commissions, 
with the foundation of their education in the subjects 
covered by photogrammetry,remote sensing, and 
2. They must present documentary evidence which 
demonstrates that they have permanently implemented 
a practical application of photogrammetry, remote sens- 
ing or GIS in an efficient manner; or which documents 
their outstanding success in a field that supports pho- 
togrammetry, remote sensing or GIS. 
3. They must be citizens of a developing or reform coun- 
Article 6 
If two Eduard Dolezal Awards are granted, the winners 
must be of different citizenships. 
Article 7 
The jury for the Eduard Dolezal Award shall consist of: 
1. The President of ISPRS (head of jury). 
2. The Secretary General of ISPRS. 
3. The President of the Austrian Society for Surveying and 
Geoinformation or its delegate to the ISPRS General 
4. A representative of the United Nations. 
The jury shall decide no later than five months before the 
beginning of an ISPRS Congress. Decisions will be made 
by a majority. In the case of a tie, the head of jury casts 
the deciding vote. 
Article 8 
The Eduard Dolezal Award will be granted on the occasion 
of the ISPRS Congress by the President of ISPRS jointly 
with the delegate of the Austrian Society for Surveying and 
Geoinformation. The founding of ISPRS by Prof. Dr. mult. 
Eduard Dolezal shall be called to mind during presentation 
of the Award. 
The Schwidefsky Medal 
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie und 
Fernerkundung (DGPF) decided to present an award in 
memory of Prof. Dr. techn. Dr.-Ing.e.h. Kurt Schwidefsky, 
honorary member of the International Society for Pho- 
togrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), which is 
called the (Schwidefsky Medal) This medal will be 
awarded according to the following conditions: 
Article 1 
Normally, the medal shall be awarded at each Congress of 
the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote 
Article 2 
At any Congress the medal may be awarded to no more 
Man two candidates (at the most). 
Article 3 
The medal, manufactured in porcelain, will be presented to 
the recipient together with a certificate issued by the 
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie und Fern- 
Article 4 
Recipients shall be persons who have made significant 
contributions to photogrammetry and remote sensing, 
either through the medium of publication as author or edi- 
tor, or in another form. 
Article 5 
The Award is decided on by a selection committee consist- 
ing of the President of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pho- 
togrammetrie und Fernerkundung, the President of ISPRS 
and the Secretary General of ISPRS. 
Article 6 
The medal will be awarded in the course of a General 
Assembly of the Congress. 
Bonn, November 1986 
The Schermerhorn Award 
In 1988 the "Nederlandse Vereniging voor Fotogramme- 
trie" instituted the Schermerhorn Award in memory of 
Prof. Dr. Ir. Willem Schermerhorn for the promotion of 
international activities in various areas of specialisation 
of photogrammetry and remote sensing. 
Article 1 
The scientific, technical and professional achievements 
of ISPRS depend to a very large extent on the results 
presented by working groups at symposia and con- 
gresses. Activities of working groups are the corner- 
stone of the functioning of ISPRS. The Schermerhorn 
Award will recognise contributions on the working group 
Article 2 
The Schermerhorn Award is granted to a member of a 
working group (or to more than one person, if the Jury is 
unable to select a single winner from the suitable candi- 
dates) who, through his/her/(their) commitment, has (have) 
achieved extremely worthwhile and successful scientific 
meeting(s) of a very high level, gaining sufficient interest 
(participation by several countries) and good reporting 
throughout the four year period up to an ISPRS Congress. 
Article 3 
Normally, the award shall be presented to the winner(s) at 
each quadrennial Congress of ISPRS. 
Article 4 
The Jury of five individuals is composed of the President 
of ISPRS (Chairman), the President of Netherlands Feder- 
- International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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