Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

subject for which those experts have recognised compe- 
tence and experience. They must result either in a set of rec- 
ommendations or in an official CIPA publication, which 
demonstrates the objectives of the Committee on the sub- 
ject, or constitutes an assessment of the current status of 
the subject. For a Specialist Colloquium of CIPA at least one 
Member of the Executive Board shall be co-organiser. 
Article 37 
Workshops, Seminars, Conferences, etc. may be organised: 
- Nationally under the responsibility of the National CIPA 
- Internationally under the responsibility of a group of 
National Delegates in co-operation with at least one 
member of the Executive Board. 
VIII Publications 
Article 38 
Proceedings and textbooks of CIPA Symposia, Workshops, 
Seminars, Conferences etc. are to be published in accor- 
dance with the ISPRS Guidelines for the Publication of the 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing. Copies for sale have also to be provided to the 
ICOMOS Documentation Centre. 
IX Financing 
Article 39 
CIPA activities are financed by: 
a. Special grants made by the ICOMOS and the ISPRS. 
b. The contributions of Sustaining Members. 
c. Subventions, donations, etc. received from national or 
international institutions. 
d. Contracts entered into by the ICOMOS or ISPRS on 
behalf of the Committee for undertaking specific tasks 
related to its domain. 
e. Study or expertise contracts received by the ICCROM 
and entrusted by it to the CIPA. 
f. Income from CIPA Symposia / Workshops. 
g. Income from Publications. 
Article 40 
The Executive Board is responsible for the management of 
funds received by CIPA. In the event of dissolution of CIPA, 
the funds remaining after settlement of all liabilities will be 
remitted, in equal portions, to ICOMOS and to ISPRS. 
IX Languages 
Article 41 
The official languages of CIPA are English, French and Ger- 
man. Communication within the Boards will be in English. 
X Voting 
Article 42 
- Each member with voting rights shall have one vote. 
- A vote shall be passed by simple majority of those 
- Amendments to the Statutes shall require a two-third 
majority of all Ordinary Members. 
- The election of the CIPA Officers shall require a simple 
majority of all Ordinary Members. 
- The suspension of Officers requires simple majority of 
all Ordinary and Associate Members. 
- In case absent Members are required for voting, a vote 
by correspondence will be organised. 
- Between sessions voting by correspondence is permit- 
ted after appropriate discussion and agreement, 
except for the election of the Presidents. 
- In the event of a tie, the President shall have the cast- 
ing vote. 
XI Amendments to the Statutes 
Article 43 
Proposals for amending the Statutes will be submitted to 
all Members of the Executive Board at least six months 
before the date of the Executive Board Session during 
which they will be presented, with a view of their adoption. 
Article 44 
The amendments adopted by the Committee will be sub- 
mitted for approval to the ICOMOS Executive Committee 
and the ISPRS Council. If they are approved, or remain 
unopposed for six weeks, they will come into force imme- 
diately unless an extension is requested by a parent body, 
in which case the approval period will be extended up to 
twelve weeks. 
Article 45 
These Statutes come in force by 1st August 1999 
Ann Webster-Smith (ICOMOS) 
John Trinder (ISPRS) 
Peter Waldhaeus|  (CIPA) 
1 In 1996 CIPA decided to use email for internal commu- 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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