Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Guidelines for ISPRS Awards Policy 
ISPRS Awards shall recognise outstanding contribu- 
tions and achievements by an individual or individuals 
in the pursuit of, or for a major realisation of, the objec- 
tives of ISPRS. 
. The Terms of Reference of ISPRS Awards shall be in 
accordance with the Statutes and Bylaws of the Soci- 
The Terms of Reference of ISPRS Awards shall be 
specified in written form in the official languages of 
ISPRS. They are subject to approval by the Council. 
The Terms of Reference and background shall be com- 
municated to ISPRS members through official docu- 
ments of the Society (Silver Book, WWW Page, and 
ISPRS Highlights). 
All new ISPRS Awards shall consist of a reward of sub- 
stantial monetary value, or an item of high intrinsic 
value (a minimum of Swiss francs 2,500 or equivalent), 
together with a certificate or plaque of recognition. 
In order to establish a new long-term award (for a min- 
imum of 12 years), the sponsoring organisation shall 
make a commitment for a minimum period of support 
of 12 years in the formal proposal for the award to the 
President of ISPRS, for approval by Council. 
. The funding and preparation of ISPRS Awards shall be 
provided by the sponsoring organisation and delivered 
to the Congress Director after the Awardee(s) have 
been identified. 
Each new ISPRS Award shall be granted for a specific 
purpose, which shall not overlap the purpose of anoth- 
er ISPRS Award. 
Presentations of ISPRS Awards shall be made at an 
appropriate event, preferably a plenary session or Gen- 
eral Assembly of the Congress. 
The recipient of an ISPRS quadrennial Award shall 
receive that award only once. 
Amendment to the Terms of Reference of an ISPRS 
Award shall require agreement of Council with the 
Award sponsor. The sponsor shall then prepare the 
amended Terms of Reference in final form as specified 
in paragraph 2, for Council approval. 
It is expected that the recipient will attend the Con- 
gress to receive the award. 
Terms of Reference for Sustaining Members 
. Sustaining Members are individuals, organizations, 
institutions or agencies who manufacture or distribute 
instruments, equipment or supplies, or who operate or 
provides services in the fields of photogrammetry, 
remote sensing and/or GIS, or who are engaged in 
research and/or education, and who contribute to the 
financial support of the Society. 
Sustaining Members shall pay an annual fee according to 
the invoice from the Treasurer at the beginning of each 
calendar year. There shall be four categories as follows: 
more than 750 employees 
B 100-750 employees 
C 25-100 employees 
D 1-25 employees 
2,800 Swiss Francs 
1,400 Swiss Francs 
700 Swiss Francs 
350 Swiss Francs 
Sustaining Members are encouraged to increase their 
contribution but such additional contributions will not 
change the category of membership. A Sustaining 
Member who is more than two years in arrears shall be 
dropped from the rolls. 
Applicants for status as Sustaining Members shall file 
with the Secretary General a written statement (less 
than 1000 words) describing their photogrammetric 
and/or remote sensing activities. Applicants shall com- 
mit to membership for a minimum of four years. Appli- 
cation shall be approved unless two or more members 
of Council submit objections in writing. Any such 
objections shall be forwarded to the applicant who 
shall have right of rebuttal. 
The Secretary General will maintain a list of current Sus- 
taining Members and the description of their activities. 
This information will be printed in appropriate Society 
publications. A Sustaining Member may revise the 
description of activities whenever it may be necessary. 
At an appropriate time near the end of each Congress, 
the current Congress Director will schedule a meeting 
of the Sustaining Members to review the exhibit and 
other congress activities. The current Congress Direc- 
tor or his representative shall preside at this meeting. 
The incoming Congress Director will be an observer. 
Approximately two years before each Congress, the 
Secretary General will schedule and invite to a meeting 
of the Sustaining Members at an appropriate time and 
place. A preliminary agenda for the meeting will be 
attached to the invitation. A member of the ISPRS 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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