Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

ment and the use of proper and appropriate technolo- 
gy by evaluating and refining S&T Resolutions pro- 
posed in advance by ISPRS Member Organisations 
and Commissions for approval by the quadrennial 
ISPRS General Assembly. 
Collaborate with the ISPRS Council to formulate Reso- 
lutions for ISPRS General Assembly approval which 
will ensure that ISPRS is at the forefront of the S&T in 
the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial infor- 
mation sciences and covers the full breadth of the 
Society's mission. 
Review proposed Working Groups Terms of Reference 
with Council and identify S&T gaps and overlaps and 
recommend corresponding fills and consolidations. 
Evaluate inputs recommended for changing the overall 
scope and direction of S&T activities in the Society and 
advise Council accordingly. 
Suggest collaborative S&T activities with other interna- 
tional societies and intergovernmental bodies to foster 
co-operation on the inter-disciplinary boundaries. 
Propose worthy candidates for recognition and 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. — 455 

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