Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

sent to participants at the beginning of 2001. This CD- 
ROM contained papers that were either not delivered in 
time, or were received in an incorrect format, or were sim- 
ply missing or incomplete. 
11. Final Remarks 
Over more than four years Council, ISPRS officers and 
our local organising committee together have done an 
intensive job in preparing the XIXth Congress in such a 
way that it can be a trendsetting event, as may be 
expected of a Congress that takes place at the turn of the 
millennium. The excitement of the scientific programme 
and the exhibitions, contributions from many young 
authors, as well as the charm and warmth of the social 
events and encounters together should guarantee not 
only a successful Congress but also the active future 
interest of everyone in our ISPRS. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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