Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

viding "Information from Imagery." Our sciences and tech- 
nologies are no longer data driven but are now information 
driven, thanks to many of the marvelous advancements 
made in the computer and communications disciplines. We 
have broadened our horizons and are now engaged in 
extracting the spatial, spectral and temporal information 
embedded in imagery. As a result, the global community 
already tastes the benefits provided by the rapid advance- 
ments toward all-digital technology and for spatially 
enabled applications, which are destined to improve the 
quality of life for all humankind. This Congress will expose 
you to these many achievements and to the scientists from 
all over the world responsible for them, and it will recognize 
those who have made the foremost achievements. 
It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you some of the 
leaders of our sister Societies. They are ICA President 
Bengt Rystedt, IAG President Fernando Sanso, IHO Direc- 
tor Neil Guy, IGU past President, Hermann Verstappen, 
FIG Secretary General Christian Andreasen, ICA Secretary 
General Ferjan Ormeling and IAG Secretary General Chris- 
tian Tscherning. | ask them please to stand to be recog- 
nized. These distinguished guests are meeting here this 
week to continue growth of positive interdisciplinary co- 
operation with one another and with the international sci- 
ence community. There are several other distinguished 
colleagues that | wish to recognize here today. May | ask 
Honorary Members Friedrich Ackermann and Gottfried 
Konecny to rise. | offer best wishes of the Congress to the 
other four Honorary Members who could not be with us 
today. And | am very pleased for us to recognize Per Olof 
Fagerholm from Sweden, a distinguished member of the 
ISPRS Council for 16 years, during 1952 through 1968. He 
served on the ISPRS Council with Prof. Schermerhorn 
back in the early 1950s. We are very pleased to have these 
major contributors to our Society here with us today. 
Dear distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, | encour- 
age you to participate fully in all that Congress Director 
Klaas Jan Beek and his hard-working organizing commit- 
tee have prepared for you. The Congress is an excellent 
opportunity to meet and greet colleagues and friends from 
all sectors of our global community. The lasting friendships 
you form at an ISPRS Congress will bring a warmth to your 
heart that is unforgettable and rewarding. 
Many of you may have not seen this Chain of Office which 
| am honored to wear today. It was a gift to the ISPRS in 
1964 jointly from The Photogrammetric Society and the 
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors in Great Britain. It 
was given to "symbolize the growing unity of scientists and 
technicians occupied with the work of importance for the 
peace and prosperity of the world." Let us keep these goals 
in mind as we enter this Congress. | wish you all a suc- 
cessful Congress and thank you for your attention. 
Presentation by Prof. Dr. Ir. Martien Molenaar, 
President NSEOG & Chairman Scientific Committee 
Distinguished guests, friends and colleagues, 
Our Congress Director, Klaas Jan Beek, talks in his open- 
ing address about six years of anticipation and prepara- 
tion. Well, that might be true for him but the Council of the 
Netherlands Society for Earth Observation and Geoinfor- 
matics has been thinking about this event for a much 
longer period. 
For quite some time we have received requests to take 
once more a major responsibility on our shoulders for 
ISPRS and, indeed, the last time was in the inter congress 
period 1984-1986 when we took responsibility for Com- 
60 tne 
mission VII. At that time, it was also Klaas Jan Beek who 
volunteered as Commission President. Since then our 
contributions have mainly been at working group level. 
Well, why did it take us so long to offer our services again 
to ISPRS to take care of a major event? An why now? 
When we explained our bid in Vienna we gave several rea- 
One reason was that Willem Schermerhorn organised the 
first congress in the new era that started after the Second 
World War. So we thought that it would be in his spirit if we 
could organise the first congress in this new millennium, 
which is also expected to be the start of a new era. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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