Full text: XIXth congress (Part B1)

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Anselm Schmieder 
The tasks of the various modules depicted in Figure 3 are: 
Extraction: The number of height levels is calculated from map scale requirements and InSAR DEM elevation range. 
To extract initial contour lines a line-following method is applied to the DEM. 
Segmentation: Contour lines are either closed or open. Open contours touch the border, therefore previously closed 
contours touching the border have to segmented into open contours. 
Thresholding: Depending on the map scale, contours are drawn around objects of a given minimum extension. Thresh- 
olding eliminates contours describing objects which can be neglected. 
Approximation: This is the contour smoothing step discussed in the previous section. 
Labeling: The inscriptions are placed constrained to some placing and direction rule. 
Approximate continuity between independently processed mapsheets is ensured through processing of a larger view, i.e. 
adding of a border, and cutting off this border after smoothing. Conversion of labeled contours to Drawing Exchange 
Format (DXF) is a straightforward final processing step. 
Contour line 
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Figure 3: Contour derivation, approximation and labeling from DEM 
5.1 Performance Measurements 
Table 1 gives estimates for the completion of contour line processing, including file output in DXF format. 
| Image size | Number of polygons | Computation time | 
512 x 512 20 17 sec. 
1024 x 1024 50 48 sec. 
2113 x 2077 140 5 min. 35 sec. 
3000 x 1450 21837 12 hrs. 21 min. 
Used machine: Pentium II, 233 MHz, 256 MB RAM 
Used system: IDL 5.0 on Linux x86 
Table 1: Performance measurements of the contour line extraction, smoothing and output process 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B1. Amsterdam 2000. 275 

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