Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,1)

Helen Burman 
m Az -Z, dX, 42, d Y, —-d2, t 
OR, OR, OR, |l" 
HZ, —=+7Z, —L-——L || |adr+ 
| Yor "dr or à 
OR OR, or, |" 
+| Zy ——+Z, —L-—L ||, | dp+ (7) 
op 0p. 0p hl: 
oR OR, OR ; 
HZ EE HH, dh 
oh oh oh 
at *tü-3Y4—3). 42, *t£€-1-3)dZ.t 
+ —- y * dZ, TX y 3 dZ, iin 
Az, discrepancy between measured and approximate value 
(dX „,dY.,dZ,)Y' updates to the unknown datum shift 
nph roll, pitch, heading 
dr, dp, dh updates to the unknown misalignment angles 
az, updates to the unknown elevation grid 
X.y approximate values of normalised co-ordinates within the four surrounding grid 
Also differences in intensity values serve as observations and their observation equation will be: 
is : 
X Ay 2 Iy dX, I, - dY, 
oR OR E 
+1, — +1, — 112, | dr + 
or or ; 
à OR E 
OR. .oR 
+1 —A— +1, — 117, | dp+ (8) 
op op J|, 
l \ 
OR, + RI; 
+ nine I, — |-1/, |-dh+ 
s Oh oh | 
[, J 
*t0-X)0-73)dL, +X-0-V) di + 
T(l- x): Ed uti Y dI un 
updates to the unknown intensity grid 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 127 

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